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Chapter 5, Lesson 2 Buddhism

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1 Chapter 5, Lesson 2 Buddhism
By: Hali Wood Class of 2018

2 Social The Buddha declared the caste system as irrelevant because no one was privileged or had an advantage in seeking Enlightenment, and no one is substantially or essentially different from anyone else. Initially, the Buddha refused to admit women into the renunciant order, the monastic community of individuals who gave up life in the world in order exclusively to pursue the path to Enlightenment. The Buddha later declared that women are as capable of attaining Enlightenment as men, and he allowed the monastic ordination of women.

3 Political Larger states (monarchies and republics) were developed around the 7th century BCE (including Magadha and Kosala). The emergence of new religious traditions challenged the authority of the Vedic tradition.

4 Interaction Between Humans and the Environment
After the death of the Buddha, his followers traveled throughout India, spreading his message. Temples sprang up throughout the countryside in India. Buddhist monasteries were also established to promote his teaching and to provide housing and training for monks dedicated to the simple life and the pursuit of wisdom. The Sarnath stupa- monastery where the Buddha delivered his first sermon

5 Cultural Buddhism was practiced in India, where it was competing with Hinduism for followers. Buddhists believe that the pain and sorrow that afflict us are due to our attachment to “things” in the world. If we give up the desire for things, we will attain Bodhi, awakening or enlightenment. Buddhists follow a Middle Way, which includes the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path After Siddhārtha Gautama's death, many Buddhist temples and monasteries were established throughout India to promote his teaching. The Veda includes hymns to the Hindu gods and verses of invocation and praise that are eternal and of non-human origin. The Brahmana contains treatises on priestly Vedic rituals, myths and legends. The Upanishad holds mystical Hindu texts concerned with philosophical speculation and yogic practice.

6 Economic A person’s job in is determined by what caste the person is born into: The Brahmin are the priestly/intellectual class, and they are responsible for providing intellectual advice to governing bodies, offering priestly services and religious leadership, and grappling with fundamental questions of life. The Kshatriyas are the warrior class, and their functions include defending the country from external aggression or internal strife and specializing in the science of arms, ammunition, strategies, and tactics of warfare. The Vaishyas specialize in trade and commerce in order to procure goods and services so that the society as a whole can lead a life of plenty. The Shudras do manual labor, including tilling the land, working in the fields, and raising cattle and crops.

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