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Mars Valles Mariners-is the largest canyon in the solar system stretching 4,000 Kilometers across the planets surface. If you look at a picture of Mars.

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Presentation on theme: "Mars Valles Mariners-is the largest canyon in the solar system stretching 4,000 Kilometers across the planets surface. If you look at a picture of Mars."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mars Valles Mariners-is the largest canyon in the solar system stretching 4,000 Kilometers across the planets surface. If you look at a picture of Mars taken from a telescope you will see the giant gash that is Valles Mariners Jaydon

2 History Mars is named after the Roman God of war.
The discoverer of Mars is unknown.

3 Solar System Mars is the fourth planet from the sun
141.6 million miles from the sun It takes 1.9 years that is the orbit period Rotation is 24.6 hours

4 Moons 2 moons and the names are Demos and Photos.

5 Planet appearance Mars is very rocky. Its known as a very red planet. It’s the second brightest planet and the first Is Venus. Mars is the fourth from the sun it also has the biggest volcano and the name is Olympus Mons

6 Rings This is the inside of mars its very rocky and very hot area mars. According to the discovery mars will have a ring in the next million years it will have one.

7 Exploration Motion 4 that found mars

8 Interesting Facts Mars has a water vapor It’s a red planet Its peaks are 100 feet tall Mars has an atmosphere different from earths Its very rocky and has the biggest volcano in

9 the end

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