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Respiratory System: Outcome: I can describe the respiratory organs (structure) and their main function in the respiratory system. Drill: What is the function.

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Presentation on theme: "Respiratory System: Outcome: I can describe the respiratory organs (structure) and their main function in the respiratory system. Drill: What is the function."— Presentation transcript:

1 Respiratory System: Outcome: I can describe the respiratory organs (structure) and their main function in the respiratory system. Drill: What is the function of the epiglottis

2 The Trachea and Bronchial Branches
Bronchioles (continued) Two types Terminal bronchioles (from tertiary bronchi) Lead to pulmonary lobules (gas exchange) Respiratory bronchioles (after terminal bronchioles) © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

3 Cartilage LEFT LUNG Respiratory epithelium Smooth muscle 4
Overview of bronchi and bronchioles Cartilage LEFT LUNG Left primary bronchus Secondary bronchus Cartilage plates Secondary (superior lobar) bronchus Visceral pleura Tertiary bronchi Bronchiole Respiratory epithelium Smooth muscle Bronchioles Terminal bronchiole Respiratory bronchiole Pulmonary lobule © Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 21.5 4

4 The Trachea and Bronchial Branches
Airflow and diameter changes Trachea → primary bronchi → secondary bronchi → tertiary bronchi → bronchioles → terminal bronchioles → respiratory bronchioles → alveoli Bronchi branch into smaller and smaller tubes At each new branch, the diameter decreases © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

5 Cartilage LEFT LUNG Respiratory epithelium Smooth muscle 4
Overview of bronchi and bronchioles Cartilage LEFT LUNG Left primary bronchus Secondary bronchus Cartilage plates Secondary (superior lobar) bronchus Visceral pleura Tertiary bronchi Bronchiole Respiratory epithelium Smooth muscle Bronchioles Terminal bronchiole Respiratory bronchiole Pulmonary lobule © Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 21.5 4

6 Gross Anatomy of the Lungs
Gross anatomy of the lungs (continued) Each lung is divided into lobes The right lung has three lobes Superior, middle, inferior Divided by a horizontal and oblique fissure The left lung has two lobes Superior and inferior Divided by oblique fissure Also has an indentation in the medial margin called the cardiac notch Each lung is surrounded by a pleural cavity © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

7 Gross Anatomy of the Lungs
Gross anatomy of the lungs (continued) Base Inferior portion Rests on the diaphragm Apex Superior pointed portion © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

8 Lateral Surfaces Apex Apex Superior lobe Posterior Anterior Posterior
Features of the lateral surfaces of the lungs Lateral Surfaces Apex Apex Superior lobe Posterior Anterior Posterior Superior lobe Horizontal fissure Middle lobe Oblique fissure Oblique fissure Cardiac notch Inferior lobe Inferior lobe Base Base © Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 21.6 3

9 Trachea Primary bronchus Secondary bronchus Tertiary bronchi Terminal
Continuous passageways of the respiratory tract Trachea Primary bronchus Secondary bronchus Tertiary bronchi Terminal bronchioles Bronchioles Broncho- pulmonary segment Respiratory bronchiole Pulmonary lobule Alveoli © Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 21.7 1

10 Pulmonary Lobules Alveoli Supplied by an alveolar duct
Attached to a common chamber (alveolar sac) Approximately 150 million/lung Give the lungs an open, spongy appearance Surrounded by extensive capillary network Allows for gas exchange Also surrounded by elastic fibers Allow expansion and recoil with air movement in and out © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

11 Describe the major differences between the left and right lung?
Respiratory System: Exit Ticket: Describe the major differences between the left and right lung?

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