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Quest Program Overview May 2, 2018

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1 Quest Program Overview May 2, 2018
Welcome to Quest!

2 Our Vision Every Student Future Ready: Prepared for College
Prepared for the Global Workplace Prepared for Personal Success Vision is our ideal view. Ideally, we want to graduate “future ready” students. Being prepared for college means students are ready to enter post-high school education after graduation, whether a 4 year or 2 year college, a community college, a technical college, certificate program, military, or other post- secondary path that prepares them for a career and success in the workplace.

3 Opportunity & Equity Innovation
Values, Goals, Ideals Values Goals Opportunity & Equity Innovation Improvement Ideals

4 K-12 Highly Capable Continuum of Services
K-3 Highly Capable (HC) 2-5 Pull- Out Quest 2-5 Full -Time Quest Middle School Quest High School Course Enrollment Course Enrollment Options to include Honors, College in the High School, Running Start, Advanced Placement (AP) Once a week 30 min. math and/or reading enrichment at home school Once a week full day enrichment at specific sites Self-contained classroom at specific sites Self-contained Middle School core classes at specific sites

5 Accelerated Programs Department Staff
Heather Sanchez, Director, Accelerated Programs, Choice & Innovation Diane Durant, Highly Capable Program Supervisor Suzanne Hurd, Accelerated Programs Administrative Secretary Britt Galen, Psychologist 65 hard working K-8 Quest/K-3HC teachers serving schools across the district. Intros

6 K-8 Accelerated programs In LWSD…
65 Accelerated Programs staff members work to support…. Number of students K-8 Served for : 858 Full-time Quest 318 Pull-out Quest 486 School-Based (K-3HC) services 459 Middle School Quest Total K-8: 2,121/ Approximately 10% of K-8 student population. Students served at Eleven Full-Time Quest Locations, Three Pull-out Quest locations and Three Middle School Quest Locations. Best Guess: Percentage/Number of Students HiCap and Level 4 (total enrollment (27, 830 students)

7 Snapshot of the Student Experience in Quest
Tena Kilroy, 2/3 Quest Blackwell Elementary Kristi Petereit, 4/5 Quest Alcott Elementary Casey Conroy, 4/5 Quest Thoreau Elementary Nancy Pfaff, Pull-out Quest Thoreau Elementary Yon Ho, Pull-out Quest Thoreau Elementary Dena Kernish, LA/SS MS Quest Redmond Middle School


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