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6X Monday North American Societies

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1 6X 09-26-2016 Monday North American Societies
Objective: Describe early societies of North America. Agenda: Prayer Do Now: page 15 # 1a, 1b, 1c Discuss Do Now Finish presentations and some notes Study Guide for Wednesday’s quiz Homework: Study for your quiz on Wednesday

2 Page 15 # 1 and 2 all 1A: The Anasazi built kivas for religious ceremonies. They were built at the center of the town so everyone can worship. The ceremonies focused on worshipping nature (rain and maize). 1B. The Anasazis built pit houses, cliff dwellings, and stacked pueblos. 1C. I think they built mounds in the shape of snakes and birds to honor nature.

3 Chapter 1 Section 2 Native American Cultures
Anasazi: - lived in cliff dwellings for protections. Farmed maize (corn), beans, and squash Lived in the four corners region (Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah) Irrigation to get water to their farms. Skilled Basket makers Skilled potters They made multi-level houses (pueblos – above ground houses made of adobe (clay)). They lived in the ground before this (pit houses). At the center of each city was a kiva, their center for worship. They abandoned their villages around 1300 AD.

4 Hopewell Had lots of resources wood, dirt, water, rock, etc.
Agriculture Traded skins, pelts, and food. Maybe worshiped nature and leaders Probably lived separated in groups, small communities Most likely lived in the woods. Maybe lived near rock. Used rock or metal for sculpting.

5 Anasazi We think that the anasazi were very powerful because they’re very powerful because they lived close together. Worship nature because they built in a cave Very social or rely on each other because very close Very good with materials because they live close Had to improvise and be flexible Good at pottery and not close to water so they can carry water in the vase!! From the Book: Skilled basket makers and potters Grew maize, squash, and beans Lived in the four corners region (Utah, Colorado, Arizona, Nevada) Used irrigation to get water to their farms and cities. Built pit houses, stacked pueblos, and cliff dwelling as houses. - kivas were built in the center of town and used to worship nature They disappeared around 1300 AD

6 Cahokia Powerful and wealthy government? (built large mounds that required power and organization and resources) Respected – knew how to motivate. Not so powerful? Very rural, not many houses, buildings did not really last. Lived in a green environment, lots of trees and plants: probably farmed, hunted, water – fished, plains? Had plenty of resources: wood, water, stone, clay? Artistic gardens Very economical? They used resources well. Used for art and shelter. Worshipped nature?expressed beliefs through art Burial mounds

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