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The standard Gibbs formation energy of ions

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2 The standard Gibbs formation energy of ions
Saturated Solution of B CB,S Diluted Solution of B CB=1.0 mol.L-1 Stable simple substances Pure Compounds B

3 About biochemical standard state and the thermodynamic equilibrium constant
CΘ(H+)=[H+] A+B ↔ C+ xH+ No effect on


5 6.6 Effect of environmental conditions on the chemical reaction equilibrium
(1) Temperature G-H equation The van’t Hoff equation

6 Le Chatelier’s principle
Endothermic: increasing temperature favours the products Exothermic: increasing temperature favours the reactants Le Chatelier’s principle A system at equilibrium, when subjected to a disturbance, responds in a way to minimise the effects of the disturbance.

7 a plot of - ln K against 1/T has a slope of ΔrHm/R.
Integration equation: a plot of - ln K against 1/T has a slope of ΔrHm/R.

8 Approximate Calculation about Equilibrium at different temperature
Tr=298K Approximation

9 Increasing temperature
benefit the reaction Decreasing temperature benefit the reaction Turning temperature

10 (2)Pressure Only related to temperature
Only related to temperature, too

11 Le chatelier principle
KP , KC not related to P B, the gaseous substance P↑, Kx↑, move to right Kx related to P: Le chatelier principle

12 (3) Effect of inert gases on chemical equilibrium
Gases do not take part in the reaction, such as N2 ( )T,V no change/ ( )T,P similar to p decreasing =0 No effect on Kn Equilibrium move to right

13 6.6 Contemporary chemical equilibrium
The product of the previous reaction is the reactant of the latter reaction At equi. state

14 =0 (1),(2) 1-x x x x X=0.039

15 Biochemical reactions

16 G+Pi↔G6P+H2O 11.6 0.5 ATP+H2O↔ADP+Pi -32.5 -30.9 298K
ΔG0/KJ.mol-1 ΔH0/KJ.mol-1 G+Pi↔G6P+H2O ATP+H2O↔ADP+Pi G+ATP↔G6P+ADP Kc=4630 Kc= K

17 Coupling reactions METABOLIC CYCLES

18 The overall reaction Glucose+2Pi+2ADP↔2Lactate+2ATP+2H2O
ΔG0=-124.4kJ.mol-1 Glucose(s)+6O2↔6CO2(g)+6H2O(l) ΔG0= kJ.mol-1 ΔH0= kJ.mol-1

19 Direct synthesis of ATP
In 1961, Peter Mitchell proposed that the synthesis of ATP occurred due to a coupling of the chemical reaction with a proton gradient across the membrane He received a Nobel Prize for his work

20 Mechanisms of direct synthesis of ATP
ATP+H2O↔ADP+Pi kJ.mol-1 ADP+Pi ↔ ATP+H2O nH+(out)↔nH+(in) n=3 A pH differential of one unit gives a free energy change of kJ.mol-1 Membrane potential -100mV

21 Homework Y: P ; P139 42, 43 Discussion how the temperature, pressure affect the Haber reaction equilibrium, give out the approach increasing the yields of NH3. N2+3H2↔2NH3 The Haber process, also called the Haber–Bosch process Haber Bosch

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