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Organised by Indian Society Of Oilseeds Research, Hyderabad &

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1 National conference on Enhancing Productivity of Oilseeds in Changing Climate Scenario
Organised by Indian Society Of Oilseeds Research, Hyderabad & ICAR- Directorate Of Groundnut Research, Junagadh, Gujarat

2 Pesticide usage pattern: In Peanut grown area of Junagadh

3 Junagadh Agricultural University
AUTHORS G. R. Hithesh G. Harish PRESENTED BY Mr. G. R. Hithesh MSc. Agriculture Department of Entomology Junagadh Agricultural University Junagadh

4 INTRODUCTION Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is a leading oilseed crop in India and an important oilseed crop of tropical and subtropical regions of the world. The seeds are rich source of edible oil (43-45%) and protein (25-28%) and also a valuable source of vitamins namely B, E and K. In India, it is grown in 11 states in an area of 4.19 million ha with a production of 5.62 million tonnes of pods per annum. The average productivity of groundnut in India is about 1341 kg per ha (Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India, )

Gujarat tops with percent of total production followed by Andhra Pradesh percent, Tamil Nadu Percent. The groundnut production in Gujarat was 2892 thousand tonnes in MAJOR AND MINOR INSECT PEST OF GROUNDNUT. Major pests : PEST Scientific Name Red hairy caterpillar Amsacta moorei Leaf miner Aproaerema modicella Bihar hairy caterpillar Spilosoma obliqua Tobacco caterpillar Spodoptera litura Aphids Aphis craccivora

6 Minor pests : Thrips Thrips palmi Leaf hopper Empoasca kerri
Gram pod borer Helicoverpa armigera White grub Holotrichia Consanguinea Wire worms Conoderus vespertinus Minor pests : Groundnut earwig Anisolabis annulipes Pod bug Elasmolomus sordidus Stem borer Sphenoptera perotetti Ash weevil Myllocerus undecimpustulus

Cultural methods : Deep ploughing during April-May to expose the pupae of Helicovera, Spodoptera and Hairy caterpillars to sunlight and predatory birds. Avoid other leguminous crops in rotation with groundnut to prevent the heavy incidence of leaf miner. Removal and destruction of alternate weed hosts which harbor the hairy caterpillars. Intercropping with Marigold for Helicoverpa, Castor for Spodoptera, Soybean for leafminer, Cowpea for Hairy caterpillar. .

8 Collection and destruction of egg masses on under surface of the
Mechanical method : Collection and destruction of egg masses on under surface of the leaves. Collection and destruction of white grub adults from host trees around the field. Place the vegetative traps like jatropha or calotropis in and around groundnut fields to attract and kill larva of hairy caterpillars. Digging of trench around fields is done to restrict migration of red hairy caterpillar. Installation of light trap for collection of the adult beetle. For monitoring moth activity, install 1-2 light traps/ha and pheromone trap 6-7/ha. Fish oil such as tuna fish oil is very attractive to earwigs.

9 Spray of NPV- Spodoptera and NPV- Helicoverpa 0.4ml/lit.
Biological method : Spray of crop with entomopathogenic fungus like Beuveria bassiana 2 gm/lit of water. Spray of NPV- Spodoptera and NPV- Helicoverpa 0.4ml/lit. Spraying of crop with entomopathogenic bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis 2gm/lit of water against red hairy caterpillar. In presence of coccinellids 2 or more/plant insecticide spray can be limited. Botanicals : Spray neem oil 5ml/lit water or NSKE 5%. Spraying with tobacco decoction (1 kg tobacco boiled in 10 lit of water for ½ hour and make up to 30 lit) works effective. Source : ANGRAU Material

10 Registered Pesticides by Central Insecticides Board & Registration Committee in
Groundnut crop

11 Many pest control options are available in market for management of insect pests of groundnut, but with emergence or outbreak of new species the trend of pesticides changes. Hence a survey was carried out in Junagadh district local pesticide market during two years Kharif and This survey helps us to know about the insecticides used by the farmers for controlling of pests are correlated with the recommendations given by the scientists. Insecticides sold were listed out and ranking was done based on the number of insecticides sold during both years.

12 Percentage of insecticides sold during Kharif (2016-17)
Results Percentage of insecticides sold during Kharif ( )

13 Percentage of insecticides sold during Kharif (2017-18)

14 Percentage of insecticides sold during Kharif (2016-17 & 2017-18)

15 Conclusion Insecticides
Survey results showed that around 20 insecticides were available in market for pest management among Imidacloprid(17%) was the popular sold product during both the years followed by Thiamethoxam (13%) and Coragen (11%). In , Six insecticides Fipronil, Cypermethrin, Novaluron, Buprofezin, Spinosad were phased out of Junagadh market. The three new insecticide options were available for pest control in groundnut they were profenocyper, phosphomidon, Lambdacyhalothrin. Insecticides

16 Percentage of Fungicides sold during Kharif (2016-17)

17 Percentage of Fungicides sold during Kharif (2017-18)

18 Percentage of Fungicides sold during Kharif (2016-17 & 2017-18)

19 Conclusion In 2017-18, Five Fungicides
Survey results showed that around 13 Fungicides were available in market for disease management among Hexaconazole (36%) was the popular sold product during both the years followed by Mancozeb (12%), Tebuconazole (12%). In , Five Fungicides Sulphur, Validamycin, Metalaxyl, Epoxiconazole, Difenoconazole were phased out of Junagadh market. Fungicides

20 Percentage of Herbicides sold during Kharif (2016-17)

21 Percentage of Herbicides sold during Kharif (2017-18)

22 Percentage of Herbicides sold during Kharif (2016-17 & 2017-18)

23 Conclusion Survey results showed that around 11 herbicides were available in market for weed management among Targa super (26%) was the popular sold product during both the years followed by Sodium aciflurofen + clodinafop propargyl (18%) and Glyphosate(17%). In , five Herbicides 2,4-D, Paraquat, oxyflurofen, Propaquizafop + Imazethapyr were phased out of Junagadh market. Herbicides


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