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Bell Ringer Date: September 26th, 2016

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer Date: September 26th, 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer Date: September 26th, 2016
1) Copy down the homework and hand in VOCABULARY Chapter 4. 2) Take out a new sheet of paper, set up like so… Chapter 4 Review

2 Chapter 4 Test You will have a Test on Chapter 4 on Wednesday 9/28
Use the study guide given to you to prepare for the Test. Create flash cards if you are unfamiliar with any material.

3 Chapter four review Directions: You will be reviewing key concepts from Chapter 4 that you learned over the past week ½ .

4 Example: 1) “Neither we nor our official shall take, four our castles or for any other work of yours, wood which is not ours, against the will of the owner of that wood.” What does this law guarantee? A) The right to freedom of speech B) The right to own private property C) The right to buy property

5 Example: 2) “No free man shall be taken or imprisoned….except by the lawful judgement of his peers, or by the law of the land.” What does this law guarantee? A) The right to trial by jury B) The right to fair play C) The right to see a judge

6 = You can speak out against the king
Example: 3. Freedom to petition the king = You can speak out against the king 4. Freedom from a peace-time standing army, without agreement by Parliament = No army shall exist in a time of peace.

7 Don’t waste this opportunity
Chapter four review You have a chance to earn extra credit bonus points on your test by completing this activity. Don’t waste this opportunity

8 Chapter four review 1) Work by yourself or with a desk partner to complete the review activity. 2) IF DONE…Hand it in and complete any missing assignments!

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