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Opening Prayer. Opening Prayer Getting Started Return Tests All will retake next week Go Over Homework.

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2 Opening Prayer

3 Getting Started Return Tests All will retake next week
Go Over Homework

4 2.What does God require in the 1st Commandment? 26
1. What is the topic of the First Commandment? God or God's Glory 2.What does God require in the 1st Commandment? 26 Fear, love and trust Him above all things 3. What does God forbid in the 1st Commandment? 32 Idolatry

5 4.When do people have other gods? 32
When they give anything other than God first place in their lives 5.Who can keep all of the Commandments perfectly? 34 No one but Jesus 6. Who is the only true God? 19 The Triune God

6 7.What is the topic of the Second Commandment? God's Name

7 8.What is God's name? 42 Every way in which He makes Himself known to us 9.When God spoke to Moses, what did He say His name was? I AM WHO I AM

8 10. What does God forbid in the Second Commandment
10. What does God forbid in the Second Commandment? 44 He forbids us to misuse His name.

9 14. What does God require of us in the Second Commandment
14. What does God require of us in the Second Commandment? 44 Call on Him in trouble, pray, praise, give thanks 15. What is the topic of the Third Commandment? God's Word

10 16. What day was the Old Testament Sabbath. 48 Saturday 17
16. What day was the Old Testament Sabbath? 48 Saturday 17. Why do Christians worship on Sunday? It is the day Jesus rose from the dead.

11 18. When do we sin against the Third Commandment
18. When do we sin against the Third Commandment? 50 Do not attend worship, neglect the Word and Sacraments 19. What does God require of us in the Third Commandment? Hold His Word sacred, gladly hear and learn it.

12 Memory Work The First Commandment The Second Commandment The Third Commandment

13 Homework 1. Match the words and their meaning. 2. Discuss with your parents & bring WRITTEN report back to class: What do you like best about the worship services at Grace? Least? (Both you and parents answer) 3. Devotions


15 Closing Prayer


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