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103 Exam 2 Review 12 November 2007 2007 November 12.

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Presentation on theme: "103 Exam 2 Review 12 November 2007 2007 November 12."— Presentation transcript:

1 103 Exam 2 Review 12 November 2007 2007 November 12

2 General Comments 35 Multiple Choice Questions Concepts and Ideas
Lecture Focused Review Slides Answer Practice Questions and understand them Review HW and Book Objects -- emphasis on the Sun 2007 November 12

3 Topics to Review Nature of Light Blackbodies Kirchoff’s Laws
Doppler Shift Telescopes Parallax Sun Parts of the sun Hydrostatic equilibrium (“sun’s thermostat”) Sun’s source of energy (fusion) 2007 November 12

4 Light What are the relationships between wavelength, frequency, the speed of light, energy, etc? How do a star’s brightness and luminosity change with distance? What is the difference between blackbody emission and emission lines? What types of objects give this emission? 2007 November 12

5 Light 2007 November 12

6 Light This is an inverse-square law – the brightness decreases as the
square of the distance (d) from the source Light 2007 November 12

7 Light Wien’s Law Stefan-Boltzman Law Gentle collisions Hard collisions
2007 November 12

8 Light 2007 November 12

9 Light 2007 November 12

10 Light 2007 November 12

11 Doppler Shift 2007 November 12

12 Telescopes What is the difference between resolution and sensitivity? What do those terms mean? What determines a telescope’s resolution? What role to Earth’s atmosphere play in telescope design and placement? What telescopes go into space? 2007 November 12

13 Telescopes Sensitivity: Amount of light Resolution Refraction, Dispersion, Diffraction 2007 November 12

14 Telescopes 2007 November 12

15 Parallax 2007 November 12

16 Sun What keeps the sun balanced? Where does the sun get its energy?
What defines the various parts of the sun? What makes them all interesting? What is the “neutrino problem?” What effects does the magnetic field in the sun lead to? (there are many) 2007 November 12

17 Sun “Thermostat” 2007 November 12

18 Sun FUSION! Requires high density, temp 2007 November 12

19 Sun FUSION! Proton-Proton Chain Gives off a “neutrino”
2007 November 12

20 Sun Other Things: Sun Spots Solar Wind Solar Flares 2007 November 12

21 Sun Role of Magnetic Field: Heats corona Causes sun spots
Leads to solar cycle 2007 November 12

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