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Focus on Students: Diversity and Inclusion

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1 Focus on Students: Diversity and Inclusion
VSEP Mid-Term Review November 1 – 2, 2017 Ho Chi Minh City

2 Definitions What is a Student Centered College?
a student-centered college provides optimal learning experiences and services that lead to student success.

3 Students are at the Centre of Successful Colleges
The needs of students are at the center of Recruitment activities Enrolment processes Student support services Teaching and learning

4 If the red circle represents students, how would you complete this diagram to show a student centred college?

5 Students Teachers Programs & Services Rectors/Deans
Industry & Government Here is what we thought? I might change this the next time

6 Who are our students? Males and female youth (18 – 22 years)
Males and females from rural/urban areas Males and females from different cultural and socio-economic backgrounds Within each of these groups the experiences of males and females differ as they seek access to higher education, during their studies and as they seek employment after graduati

7 Background Labour Market Needs Assessment Study, 2014
Barriers Study, 2015 Barriers Study Action Plan, January 2017 Review of College Action Plans, June and October, 2017

8 Findings Barriers Study findings can be used to inform strategies for:
Recruitment Enrolment Retention Graduation Employment

9 Definitions Diversity
…differences in race, ethnicity, language, family composition, gender, religion, sexual orientation, dis/ability, socio-economic status, location (rural/urban) and so on

10 Principles of Inclusive Education
Anticipates, values and supports diversity and learner differences Understands learners’ strengths and needs Reduces barriers within learning environments within the curriculum, the learning environment and/or instruction that are interfering with students' ability to be successful learners and to participate in the school community.

11 Definitions Inclusive educational institutions…attend thoughtfully and well to all the differences that students bring with them. The Principles of Inclusion: Anticipate, value and support diversity and learner differences - Welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environments create a sense of belonging for all learners. High expectations for all learners - Creating a culture of high expectations begins with an accessible curriculum and meaningful and relevant learning experiences. Educators act on the idea that, with the right instructional supports, every learner can be successful. Understand learners’ strengths and needs - Meaningful data is gathered and shared at all levels of the system to understand and respond to the strengths and needs of individual learners. Reduce barriers within learning environments - All education partners work together to identify and reduce barriers within the curriculum, the learning environment and/or instruction that are interfering with students' ability to be successful learners and to participate in the school community. Capacity building - School leaders and teachers have ongoing opportunities, relationships and resources that develop, strengthen and renew their understanding, skills and abilities to create flexible and responsive learning environments. Capacity building takes place at the personal, school and system levels. Shared responsibility - All education partners, including school, post-secondary institutions, teacher preparation programs and government are committed to collaboration and are committed to the success of all learners. Adapted from Alberta Education, <

12 Current Situation Barriers Study findings could be better used to inform practice – e.g. Action Plans Recruitment, support for students, internships/linkages to industry are undertaken by a number of departments at the colleges on an ad hoc basis Focus groups – Students/staff have differing views of what the student needs and supports the college offers Recognition of the students as customer Limited understanding that students bring diverse backgrounds and learning needs Action plans not being implemented, What supports are needed to implement\ teachers too busy, staff too few and lack the necessary skills - to understand student needs, connect with industry)

13 The way forward…. Are there activities that you could implement to better understand who your students are? What actions are needed to support male and female students with diverse backgrounds? Recruitment Retention Employment

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