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Meet the teachers Year 5 2018/19.

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Presentation on theme: "Meet the teachers Year 5 2018/19."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meet the teachers Year /19

2 Welcome back! We hope you have all settled back into school life. Everyone is working very hard and impressing us! The teaching staff in this year group are Miss Fowkes, Miss Glynn, Mrs Atherton and Mrs Cope (and for now Mrs Barton and Mrs Morris) All information is on Word Press, including today’s presentation

3 E safety fops-online- safety/?utm_campaign=share&u tm_medium=copy

4 Topics

5 Topics Autumn Wild Water Shakespeare Spring The Maya Space Summer

6 Diary dates

7 Homework

8 Homework Spellings to learn for a half-termly assessment Piece of English homework related to our unit (some weeks) Piece of Maths homework related to problem areas or those which need consolidating (some weeks) POWer projects will be set some half terms and are linked to our topics. Bug Club, Mathletics, Hit the Button All homework will be set on a Friday and is due in on a Wednesday.

9 equipment

10 Equipment PE – Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Indoor and outdoor kit
Pumps Trainers left in school Diaries in school everyday Appropriate pencil cases Homework Apron

11 Medication

12 Medication If your child requires any kind of medication during school hours please complete a new medical form before you leave today.

13 Year 5 Your child will also be given the opportunity to complete a hotspot. This can be on a topic of their choice. Children can use PowerPoint if they wish, but do not need to. If they wish to bring a pet in to school they need to seek permission from Mr Benton and of course, yourselves.

14 Reading challenge

15 Reading This challenge aims to foster a love of reading and re-engage those reluctant readers Reading Challenge- Year 5 Reading Genre Challenge You will notice there are less books on the Year 5 challenge because children are expected to read books in greater depth. However, within reason and where it is suitable, children can use shorter books and books from home. Please can children write daily the title / author and number of pages read into their diaries each day so we can keep track of this. This will be checked during guided reading.

16 Comprehension

17 Reading all around us We use our inference and deduction skills all the time to make sense of the world around us. Children still find this difficult when looking at written texts. We need to find as many ways as possible to use these skills, to improve our chances of tackling complex texts. Children need to use the APE system to answer questions: Answer Prove Explain

18 Let’s Go APE Answer Prove Explain

19 Kensuke’s Kingdom Read Chapter 4: Gibbons and Ghosts
What does Michael worry about as he explores the island?

20 A- Michael was worried about the animals as he explored the island.
P- The text says, ‘It wasn’t the sounds of the forest that bothered me, though, it was the eyes.’ E- This shows that Michael was worried about being watched by unknown creatures and what dangers they might pose.

21 keep it up This can be practised all the time: at home, at school, anywhere! What’s important is that we question why we know what we know, start getting used to backing up our opinions with evidence and explain the relevance of our evidence. Read to your children, they’re not too old! Discuss your child’s reading with them – read children’s novels!

22 Maths

23 Maths – Fluency, Reasoning, Problem Solving
On your tables you will find instructions for a Maths game called Square Numbers. This game is designed to use children’s fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills which are the main elements of the Maths curriculum. If you complete this please tackle the Nrich challenge on your tables.


25 Maths Our approach to Maths is designed to develop fluency, build conceptual understanding and embed reasoning through an enquiry-based approach. The bar model - This is a very effective visual representation it helps children to make sense of problems. It’s sometimes called a part part whole diagram.

26 Bar model

27 Your turn Peter has 4 books
Harry has five times as many books as Peter. How many books has Harry? 4 x 5 = 20 Harry has 20 books 4

28 Your turn In a class, 18 of the children are girls,
A quarter of the children in the class are boys. Altogether, how many children are there in the class? So =24 So there are 24 children in the class. 6 6 6 18

29 Any questions?

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