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Registration: Substances in quantities ranging between 1 to 10 t/a

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Presentation on theme: "Registration: Substances in quantities ranging between 1 to 10 t/a"— Presentation transcript:

1 Registration: Substances in quantities ranging between 1 to 10 t/a
Information according to Annex V: Physiochemical properties physical state melting point/boiling point relative density vapour pressure flash point explosive properties auto-ignition temperature partition coefficient n-octanol/water oxidising properties flammability Toxicology skin irritation, skin corrosion eye irritation skin sensitization in-vitro mutagenicity with bacteria Ecotoxicity short-term toxicity testing on Daphnia Other available information Dr. Lahl, Federal Ministry for the Environment |.

2 REACH at the glance Improvements by REACH: More innovation
increased use of substitutes lower-risk uses Increasing the incentives for substitutions Improving environmental and health protection (inter alia for substances with properties of high concern) Reduction of cost in the health system Dr. Lahl, Federal Ministry for the Environment |.

3 REACH at the glance Shift in paradigms brought about by REACH:
Reversal of the burden of proof Taking into account the whole product chain One single system for existing and new substances More transparency for substance properties, thus safe uses Zusatzinformation: Beweislastumkehr: Hersteller und Importeure – nicht mehr die Behörden – werden die Unbedenklichkeit von Stoffen nachweisen müssen. Berücksichtigung der gesamten Produktkette: Im Vordergrund stehen nicht mehr einzelne Produkt-Lebensphasen, sondern der gesamte Lebensweg. Dr. Lahl, Federal Ministry for the Environment |.

4 Decision-making 2000: Council Decision: need for amendment
2002: White Paper 2003: First Draft Internet Consultation 2003: Revised Draft numerous studies and impact assessments, best examined legislation of all times, at least in the EU for two years: decision-making process in the Council and in the Parliament Dr. Lahl, Federal Ministry for the Environment |.

5 Decision-making Deliberations in the Council and the Parliament for 2 years September / October 2005: decisions by the parliamentary committees (EP) on industry, the internal market and the environment November, 15: Plenary EP, first reading November, 28: Council (Competitiveness): Common Position, new compromise proposal submitted by the UK Presidency December 2005: second reading in the EP If necessary, mediation (trialogue) under Austrian Presidency Dr. Lahl, Federal Ministry for the Environment |.

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