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Logistic Regression --> used to describe the relationship between

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1 Logistic Regression --> used to describe the relationship between Discrete Y Continuous X Y --> usually dichotomous or binary

2 Examples of dichotomous Y variable
Presence - Absence Alive - Dead Male - Female Red - Green Scored as 0’s and 1’s





7 Y = (X)



10 #Cigs











21 Correlation Analysis Like Regression Unlike Regression
Testing for linear relationship Unlike Regression Variables not assumed to be functionally dependent No Causality

22 The Correlation Coefficient (r)
- = negative association + = positive association r = 0  no linear association

23 Example: Relationship between wing and tail lengths
Wing Length (cm) (x) Tail Length (cm) (y) 10.4 7.4 10.8 7.6 11.1 7.9 10.2 7.2 10.3 7.1 10.7 10.5 7.8 11.2 7.7 10.6 11.4 8.3 Correlation Coefficient = r = 0.870

24 Hypothesis Testing with Correlation Coefficients
r is estimate of population parameter ρ Test using Student’s t Standard Error of r

25 Using Bird Example Standard error of r
Therefore reject H0 there is a linear association between wing and tail lengths

26 Instead of t Can use F where:
Can use Critical Values Table of the Correlation Coefficient Gives minimum r-value that is significant for a given degrees of freedom

27 Assumptions X and Y have come at random from normal populations And
X values at each Y have come at random from normal populations Effect of normality most obvious when there is strong association No effect of sample size

28 Spearman Rank Correlation (rs)
Use when data is from a non-normal population Not as powerful a test if data is normal Each measurement is ranked (i.e. non-parametric) Use critical values table to assess significance di = rank of Xi – rank of Yi

29 Correction for Tied Data
Assign average rank for tied data E.g. (3 + 4)/2 = 3.5 or ( )/3 = 5 Correction for Tied Data Where:

30 Example Using Bird Data
Rank of X Y Rank of Y di di2 10.4 4 7.4 5 -1 1 10.8 8.5 7.6 7 1.5 2.25 11.1 10 7.9 11 10.2 7.2 2.5 0.25 10.3 3 -2 7.1 0.5 10.7 2 10.5 6.25 7.8 9.5 11.2 7.7 8 9 10.6 6 -3.5 12.25 11.4 12 8.3 To test H0: ρs = 0; HA: ρs ≠ 0 (rs)0.05(2),12 = 0.587 Therefore Reject Null

31 With Correction for Ties
Among X’s there are two of 10.2 and two of 10.8 Among Y’s there are two of 7.2, three of 7.4, and two of 7.8 Therefore

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