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Presentation on theme: "KNIGHTDALE HIGH SCHOOL"— Presentation transcript:

STUDENT CODE OF HONOR All of the policies and procedures discussed in this presentation can be found in the student agenda.

3 STRIKES YOU’RE OUT!!! CLASSROOM DISRUPTION #1 1ST WARNING ISSUED #2 2ND & FINAL #3 IMMEDIATE ADMINISTRATOR ACTION Knightdale High School practices a school wide discipline plan, which is based on communicating clear expectations. The following system has been established to provide an opportunity for students to make adjustments in behaviors to prevent administrative intervention. All students will receive 2 warnings to improve their behavior in the classroom. On the third infraction an administrator will be called and will address any student who has continually violated classroom policies. These students may be escorted down to ISD, that is In School Detention. Severe infractions will result in an immediate referral to an administrator for immediate disciplinary action. School, classroom, and student expectations are further discussed on pages of the student agenda. Please make sure you are familiar with these expectations.

IN SCHOOL DETENTION (ISD) ALTERNATIVE LEARNING CENTER (ALC) OUT OF SCHOOL SUSPENSION (OSS) MORE SERVERE OR MORE FREQUENT LONG TERM SUSPENSION (LT) The discipline continuum ranges from a period of ISD or lunch detention up to being assigned a day in ALC. Those students who commit more frequent or more severe offenses may receive a long term suspension. More information about the discipline continuum can be found on page 23 of your student agenda. For a list of infractions and consequences, please see the chart on page 24 in your handbook. Policies may be modified on a case-by-case basis.

4 Cafeteria Procedures Students must be seated at a table at all times during the lunch period, unless you are waiting in the lunch line. Remember it is your responsibility to throw out your trash at the end of lunch, not the cafeteria staff. All students must be seated at a table unless you are waiting in the lunch line. When you enter the cafeteria you must either wait in the lunch line or have a seat. You should not be standing in groups waiting for the lunch line to go down. Remember it is your responsibility to throw away your trash at the end of lunch, not the cafeteria staff. Information about cafeteria rules and procedures can be found on pg. 39 of the student agenda.

5 HALL PASSES Each student will be issued ONE personalized hall pass, with their name, student ID #, grade, homeroom as well as the teacher name, course, and room # for each class on their schedule. Students will be allotted 4 hall passes per period per semester. Passes will NOT be issued during the first or last 15 minutes of class. Incentives will be offered to students that do not use their hall passes. It is your responsibility to keep your pass, if you lose it you will not be issued another. Hall passes will not be issued for any location other than the bathroom. This includes, but is not limited to, vending machines, lockers, other classrooms, etc. All other locations are at the teacher’s discretion. Students who are in the hallways (without hall passes) during instructional time will be escorted to ISD and will remain until the end of the period. Restrooms are located on every academic hallway. Students are encouraged to use the bathroom during the 5-minute transition between classes and at lunch. Students who are ill should not remain in the restrooms but should report immediately to Health Room for assistance. Failure to do so will be considered skipping. Information about the new KHS hall pass policy can be found on pg. 32 of the student agenda.

6 SWEEP and KEEP Teachers will be in the hallways during all transitions. Classroom doors will close after the tardy bell stops. Late students will not be allowed to enter the room. Students that are tardy will be escorted to ISD, rm. 1613, by staff members posted in the hallways. Refer to the next slide for notes on the tardy policy.

7 SWEEP and KEEP Students will receive their ISD consequence immediately, remaining in 1613 for the entire period. Students will be given their class assignment by the ISD coordinator via the Pbworks website. Teachers will be ed a list of students that have been Swept and Kept so that the student may be marked present for the day. The school’s tardy procedures will be uniformly enforced in every classroom by every KHS teacher. Please read this slide carefully. Classroom doors will close after the tardy bell stops . Late students will not be admitted in to class. Students that are tardy will be Swept by staff members posted in the hallways to ISD where they will remain for the rest of the period. Further information about the KHS tardy policy can be found on pg. 29 of the student agenda.

8 NO STOPPING ZONES The commons area, the area in front of the main stairs, the area in front of 1613 and the locker bays are No Stopping Zones. When students congregate in these areas it makes it difficult for other students to arrive on time to their classes. You need to Walk With a Purpose and arrive to your class on time. When these areas become congested it makes it more difficult for all students to get to their classes on time.

9 NO FOOD ZONES All food needs to remain in the cafeteria.
NO FOOD SHOULD BE BROUGHT BACK FROM OFF CAMPUS; STUDENTS RETURNING TO CAMPUS WITH FOOD MAY LOSE THEIR OFF CAMPUS PASS. All food is restricted in all parts of the building outside of the cafeteria. Students must be seated and consume their food at a cafeteria table. Breakfast items (both items purchased from the cafeteria and those brought in from an outside source) MUST be eaten in the cafeteria. Food delivered by a parent must also be consumed in the cafeteria and cannot be eaten in the classroom or the locker bay. All students are expected to dispose of their trash properly before exiting the cafeteria. Any student seen consuming food in an area outside of the cafeteria will be asked to dispose of their food immediately.

Off Limits Areas ANY UNSUPERVISED AREA REAR COURTYARD (by the student lot) FACULTY/STAFF PARKING LOT STUDENT PARKING LOT Students leaving campus must immediately enter their vehicles and exit the premises. Students returning to campus must immediately exit their cars and enter the building without food. Loitering in the parking lot is prohibited. Students should lock their cars and leave the parking lot immediately upon arrival. THE PARKING LOT IS OFF LIMITS DURING INSTRUCTIONAL HOURS! Students need written permission from an administrator to be in student lots during school hours. All students should leave campus promptly at 3:00pm unless they are under the direct supervision of authorized personnel. Students who are participating in after-school activities should immediately report to their assigned areas. Please coordinate pick-up times before coming to school. After 3:00pm the school is OFF LIMITS to students who are not participating in a scheduled after-school activity.

PROHIBITED ITEMS All headgear, electronic devices, and restricted items will be confiscated if they are displayed between the time a student walks into the building until 3:00pm. Some restricted items (i.e., gang clothing) are not permitted at any time. Confiscated items will be housed in the main office in a secure location. Parents must come to the school in order to retrieve the belongings.

12 Not Acceptable DRESS CODE Bare Midriff Sagging Pants Headgear
Tank Tops Headgear Knightdale High and WCPSS have set a standard for student dress. Hats, scarves, and other headgear are not to be worn by any student (male or female) inside of the building. Please remember that all headgear will be bagged and tagged. In addition, students may not wear any article of clothing that advertises drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or contains a suggestive, lewd, or offensive message. Further information about the KHS dress code can be found on page 36 of the student agenda.

BANDANAS GRAFFITI COLORS FLAGS This is your official gang warning. WCPSS and KHS takes the written WCPSS gang policy seriously. A gang is any ongoing organization, association, or group of three or more persons, whether formal or informal, having as one of its primary activities the commission of criminal acts, or the purposeful violation of any WCPSS policy, and having a common name or common identifying sign, colors or symbols. Students who violate the WCPSS gang policy may receive a short-term or a long-term suspension. HAND SIGNALS

14 KHS Attendance Intervention Plan
Validation is no longer an option. Students with excessive absences, along with their parents, will be required to meet with staff members to develop an individualized attendance improvement plan before the student accumulates 10 absences. Students who exceed 10 absences must submit an appeal. Appeal hearings will be held prior to the end of the semester and a panel will make a decision regarding credit for courses with excessive absences. Remember, Validation is no longer an option. It is your responsibility to monitor your attendance. The Attendance Validation Program is no longer an option for students to make up time and work missed due to excused absences. Information on the new attendance intervention plan can be found in your student agenda on page 29. It is extremely important that all students monitor their attendance closely. Students must be pre-approved to validate. Students must meet with their assigned counselor and/or the SAP counselor to review their attendance profile and complete an attendance contract before participating in the validation program. Validation time will not be accepted if procedures are not followed. Validation may not occur during the school day. Validation must take place within 30 days of the absences. Students will no longer be allowed to wait until the end of the semester to make up time. This year, students may validate during Saturday School. Students who are approved to validate must sign up in the attendance office.

15 Verbal and Physical Altercations
If you engage in a verbal or physical altercation consequences could range from 3 to 10 days of suspension, with the possibility of long term suspension depending on the severity of the incident. You could also face criminal charges from our School Resource Officer.

16 If you are involved in a conflict situation with another student, report it to an administrator for assistance in resolving the issue. Ms. Parker, our SAP Counselor is also available to help mediate conflicts. Fighting will not be tolerated at KHS


18 If you gather around a physical altercation, cheering it on or using your cell phone to record the incident, you will be suspended for aiding and abetting. If you are seen video recording an altercation, your phone will be confiscated, the video deleted and your phone will be “Bagged and Tagged.” This rules applies even if the altercation takes place after the dismissal bell has rung.

19 If you gather around a physical altercation, cheering it on or using your cell phone to record the incident, you will be suspended for aiding and abetting. If you are seen video recording an altercation, your phone will be confiscated, the video deleted and your phone will be “Bagged and Tagged.” This rules applies even if the altercation takes place after the dismissal bell has rung.

20 KHS CODE OF HONOR The KHS Code of Honor is an affirmation of our commitment to a high standard of conduct inside and outside of the classroom. Students, staff, parents and the community will work together to provide a positive, safe and orderly learning environment. It is up to you to make KHS a great school. Once again, all of the policies noted in this presentation can be found in the student agenda.






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