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ELEC 6970: Low Power Design Class Project By: Sachin Dhingra

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1 ELEC 6970: Low Power Design Class Project By: Sachin Dhingra
Effect of Variation of threshold voltage on power consumption, delay and area of a 32x32 bit array Multiplier ELEC 6970: Low Power Design Class Project By: Sachin Dhingra

2 Outline Introduction Design of the multiplier Background Results
Leakage Power Threshold Voltage Results Conclusion Future Work 12/1/2018 ELEC 6970: Low Power Design

3 Introduction Design and Verification of an array multiplier using VHDL
Reduction of leakage current of the circuit by variation of the threshold voltage (Vt) Sub-threshold conduction current decreases as the Vt increases Increase in Vt also leads to higher switching delays Aim: To reduce the leakage current by varying the threshold voltage of the transistors and observe its effect on the overall power consumption, delay and area 12/1/2018 ELEC 6970: Low Power Design

4 Leakage Power Leakage Power components Sub-threshold Leakage current
Reverse bias p-n junction conduction Gate induced drain leakage Drain source punch through (Short channel effects) Gate tunneling Carrier diffusion between the source and the drain region of the transistor Grows exponentially as Vt decreases IG ID Isub IPT IGIDL n+ Ground VDD R Where, Vt – Threshold voltage I0 – cutoff i.e. Vgs = Vt n – experimentally derived constant 12/1/2018 ELEC 6970: Low Power Design

5 Vt = Vt0 + γ[(Φs+Vsb)½- Φs½]
Threshold Voltage Threshold Voltage is given by the expression: Vt = Vt0 + γ[(Φs+Vsb)½- Φs½] Where, Vt0 - Threshold voltage when source is at body potential γ – Body effect parameter Function of doping level, permittivity and oxide thickness Φs – Surface potential function of thermal voltage and doping level Vsb – Source to Body voltage Hence, Threshold Voltage is a function of: Doping concentration Thickness of oxide Source to Body Voltage 12/1/2018 ELEC 6970: Low Power Design

6 Threshold Voltage Increase in Threshold Voltage Vt variation
Reduction of Leakage power due to decrease in Sub-threshold conduction Increase in gate delay α ~ 1 for short channel devices Vt variation Body bias control Vt is a function of Vsb Vt increases as Vsb increases Change in process parameters Doping concentration Oxide thickness 12/1/2018 ELEC 6970: Low Power Design

7 Multiplier Design and Analysis
A0 A1 A2 A3 B3 B2 B1 B0 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Array The multiplier was designed in VHDL using nested conditional generate statements and port mapping Synthesis and Critical path analysis was done using Leonardo TSMC 0.25µm library Timing and Power analysis was done using ELDO TSMC 0.18µm library Critical Path (using Leonardo) 12/1/2018 ELEC 6970: Low Power Design

8 Cell Area: 7 gates Critical paths 1 x 2:1 MUX (2 gates)
2 x XNOR2 (2 gates) 1 x AND2 Critical paths A → Cout B → Cout Full adder B A Carry in Sum output Sum input Carry out 12/1/2018 ELEC 6970: Low Power Design

9 Multiplier 4x4 32x32 Area: 82 gates Critical paths Area: 6995 gates
A0 → Y7 B2 → Y7 A1 → Y7 32x32 Area: 6995 gates A0 → Y63 B2 → Y63 A1 → Y63 A0 A1 A2 A3 B3 B2 B1 B0 Y3 Y5 Y6 Y7 12/1/2018 ELEC 6970: Low Power Design

10 Vt variation: Cell Vt (NMOS) Vt (PMOS) ∆Vt (V) Leakage power (pW)
Average Power (µW) Delay (ps) 0.28 -0.29 -0.2 794795 29.52 65.36 0.38 -0.39 -0.1 4772 28.62 69.8 0.43 -0.44 -0.05 1204.1 27.51 72.12 0.48 -0.49 351.62 26.39 74.33 0.58 -0.59 0.1 100.91 25.57 80.07 0.68 -0.69 0.2 86.16 24.34 87.01 0.88 -0.89 0.4 84.3 22.83 106.79 1.08 -1.09 0.6 83.457 21.93 137.02 1.48 -1.49 1 81.74 20.25 253.84 1.68 -1.69 1.2 80.89 19.61 379.88 2.08 -2.09 1.6 79.2 18.54 12/1/2018 ELEC 6970: Low Power Design

11 12/1/2018 ELEC 6970: Low Power Design

12 Optimum Value ~ +0.2 The optimal threshold voltage for the cell design which gives the best tradeoff between Leakage Power and Delay is approximately: +0.7V for NMOS & -0.7V for PMOS 12/1/2018 ELEC 6970: Low Power Design

13 Conclusion The Leakage Power reduced as the threshold voltage was increased The Delay of the cell also increased as we incremented Vt Area of the circuit remained unaffected Power – Delay product was evaluated to find the optimum value of Vt for the given cell design ∆Vt ~ 0.2 V Leakage Power reduction = 75% Delay increase = 17% Total Power reduction = 8% 12/1/2018 ELEC 6970: Low Power Design

14 Future Work New Library design required
Variation of threshold using Body bias Voltage New Library design required Results for Multipliers of different sizes Extrapolation of results for larger multipliers Dual threshold design Threshold assignment algorithm Analysis of Delay and Power Analysis of Power and Delay for different design libraries TSMC 0.18 µm TSMC 0.13 µm Detailed study of power estimation and timing analysis tools 12/1/2018 ELEC 6970: Low Power Design

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