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Geothermal Energy in Serbia Belgrade, September 2012

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1 Geothermal Energy in Serbia Belgrade, September 2012
ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN THE BUILDING SECTOR – AN IMPORTANT CONDITION FOR the successful use of GEOTHERMAL ENERGY Petar Vasiljević, dipl.mach.eng JKP ”Beogradske elektrane”

2 Numerous Advantages of Energy Efficiency

3 Energy Efficiency in Buildings - Status

4 New buildings – how low can we go?

5 Future of Buildings

6 Existing Buildings - Challenges
• Sector with the greatest potential in reducing CO2 • By the year 2050 greenhouse emissions shoud be reduced by 85% compared to the year 2000 in order to limit the increase of global temperature up to 2°C • The level of Energy Efficiency – increases in the course of renovations should be from the current 20% to 85%

7 Current Situation in Belgrade (Serbia)
The Electricity Works of Belgrade are heating apartments in Belgrade (50% of all the apartments within the city area) – m2 All the heating plants in Serbia are heating around apartments (25% of all the apartments in Serbia) – m2 Entire heating capacity for consumers in Belgrade – MW (in Serbia MW) Average specific heating energy consumption: In Belgrade Kwh/m2 /year In Serbia Kwh/m2 /year Yearly energy consumption in Belgrade toe of heating oil, in Serbia toe of heating oil Yearly expenditures for energy sources in Belgrade Euro Yearly expenditures for energy sources in Serbia Euro

8 How to use very little energy in existing buildings
- High isolation standards for all parts of the building - Efficient windows keep the heat inside - Efficient heating, ventilation - Entire approach - Efficient products - Use of renewable energy sources

9 How to use very little energy in existing buildings – regulatory framework
From September 30th the Rulebook on energy efficiency in buildings applies GIZ helped with the creation of the rulebook In the following 2 months GIZ organizes the creation of 150 energy passports in 30 cities in Serbia

10 Examples of measures taken – additional isolation and new windows – commercial building BE


Well – profusion 15 l/s ,t= 17,5 °C Heat pump110 KW Energy consumption before the reconstrucion 180 Kwh/m2 per year and afterwards 80 Kwh/m2 per year. Heating and cooling of the object Heating system throug fancoil-devices

13 Way to the use of geothermal energy
Adequacy-study Project of detailed hydrogeological exploration Exploration rigths Elaboration on reserves Exploitation rights

14 Example – commercial space in Konjarnik

15 Example – commercial space in Konjarnik
New object 380 m2 Well 1,5 l/s , t =18,5 °C Heating and coolings system – through panels in the wall Heat pump 28 KW

16 Energy modernization creates jobs

17 Political support is needed
Long-term plan for significantly increased stringency with energy requests – use of EPBD 2 • Building with very little energy consumption should be the standard for new buildings • Stimulation packages for modernizations – energetic reconstrucion of existing buildings. • Modernization always at the level of energy efficiency • Public buildings should be examples of energy efficient buildings • Replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy

JKP BEOGRADSKE ELEKTRANE PETAR VASILJEVIĆdipl.mach.eng. Savski nasip 11 N.Bgd Tel: mob:

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