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PI: Prof P. Sellin University of Surrey Dr Neil Gaspar Nuclear Threat Reduction, AWE STFC Nuclear Science Community Meeting January 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "PI: Prof P. Sellin University of Surrey Dr Neil Gaspar Nuclear Threat Reduction, AWE STFC Nuclear Science Community Meeting January 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 PI: Prof P. Sellin University of Surrey Dr Neil Gaspar Nuclear Threat Reduction, AWE STFC Nuclear Science Community Meeting January 2018

2 AWE Enhanced Detection Programme
Background 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 NuSec Phase 1 2016 2017 2018 2019 AWE Enhanced Detection Programme Open Call Detection Showcase Government multi-department funded programme at AWE delivered a portfolio of research and technology development. An Open Call and continuous engagement grew the academic connections. An end of programme Showcase allowed all the participating academics and students to come to AWE, display their work and understand the broader context. End Result The community had a clear potential for further and broader work. It just needed some identity. Therefore STFC Network grant application

3 PI Prof Paul Sellin March 2016 for three years Value £220k at 80% FEC Introducing the Nuclear Security Sciences Network, ‘NuSec’ The aims of the Network: to develop collaboration between the academic, industrial and defence sectors in the area of nuclear security To encourage translational research and technology development, through annual Technology workshops that focus on technical themes. Cross disciplinary collaboration to address end-user challenges, through annual Challenge Meetings Pilot studies supported by £60k of Home Office network funding. Coordinate applications to third party funding (H2020, CDE, Innovate UK, AWE/ED programme, US DNDO/DTRA). Provide a mechanism for collaboration with other networks and communities, eg EnvRadNet and KTN Defence and Security.

4 End User Panel Academic ~50% NTR MoD HO DEFRA BEIS DH DfT
represents government agencies and industry, and manages the stakeholder-focussed activities of the network, such as Proof of Concept pilot projects Management Group Members Surrey AWE Sheffield Cambridge Liverpool Bristol Manchester Glasgow NNL STFC defines and reviews the objectives and progress of the network, carried out the day-to-day business of the network, and devises the programme of network events and activities Industry ~33% Steering Group Gov / other STFC, RAL HO CAST responsible to STFC for the governance of the network, and provides advice on the scope and operation of the network

5 Network Meetings are our main route to deliver the network objectives
Technology Workshops –focus on specific technical themes, bringing together new research collaborations Kick off Event – March 2016 Imaging and Localisation – Sep 2016 Data and Algorithms – Sep 2017 Challenge Workshops –to develop cross-disciplinary solutions to address end-user challenges Alternative Technologies to Well Loggers – Jan 2018 A cross disciplinary technology roadmapping event to drive the replacement of industrial sources in the energy industry. Driven by the HO with notable US involvement and buy-in from the energy industry. Conferences/Showcases – to enable broad community discussions and sharing of results Broad community conference – March 2019

6 Enhanced Detection Programme
Network Meetings are our main route to deliver the network objectives NuSec Phase 1 2012 2013 2014 2015 Phase 2 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Enhanced Detection Programme Open Call Detection Showcase Kick-off & AWE Call Imaging and localisation workshop Data and algorithms workshop Alternative technologies challenge Broad community conference Rebid for Phase 2

7 Personal Development Grants
Pilot Studies The network has funding from Home Office through AWE to support small proof of concept studies. These are typically be summer student projects up to £4k. Selection is via the End User Panel with Management group providing technical scrutiny. Colloid interaction with Muons Passive radiation imaging Pulse-shape analysis Evidential Reasoning for Radiological Detection Thallium Bromide sensors Fluorescence spectra of alpha emitting isotopes for stand-off detector development PSA for temperature dependent scintillators A Study of Van Allen Belt Signatures of Nuclear Weapon Tests for Future CTBT Technologies Compact X-Ray Sources Neural Network Techniques for Neutron Source Localisation using a Segmented Scintillator Detector Personal Development Grants General criteria for developing people or inter-disciplinary collaboration. 12 awards in two years valuing ~£13k

8 Everyone can keep in touch with the network via:
The NuSec website –at www. By –the general network address is: Contact our Network Administrator – we have a part-time network administrator based at the University of Surrey for two days a week.

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