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American Literature.

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1 American Literature

2 Opening Activity Journal #9: Think about how money made Tom Walker do anything. If you won 300 million dollars what would you do with it? Now, think about how all that greed can create sin, how does sin become a part of us? Trailer!!!!

3 Unit 3 American Romanticism
What is the American Dream? How do authors create the American identity through literature?

4 Learning Targets Cite Evidence (RL ) Determine two themes or central ideas in a text (RL ) Present information and supporting evidence(SL )

5 The Minister’s Black Veil pg 272 Exit Ticket
Nathaniel Hawthorne Biography pg 271 The Minister’s Black Veil pg 272 Exit Ticket

6 Social Media Cone

7 The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe
This article is CRAZY!!! Let’s see what happens!! **This needs to be 3 paragraphs; intro, body, conclusion **2 Quotes; one from the Ministers Black Veil, the other from our article.

8 Writing Prompt Category 4: Exceeding Standards Topic: The text introduces a controlling topic that can be supported by examples, illustrations, facts and other details. I developed a text that examines a topic in depth. I presented relevant information. Support: Presents relevant evidence and provides a conclusion that supports the topic I provided evidence from valid sources. I included relevant and supporting evidence from texts. I provided a conclusion that supports the topic. I introduce and explain the evidence to support my claim. There are things about us that no one knows. In many cases our secrets would have others pity, shame or isolate us. Little was known about Marilyn Monroe’s past when she was alive, just as little was known about Minister Hooper in “The Minister’s Black Veil”. In an age when we are tempted to reveal so much about our lives, via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., what are the benefits of keeping one’s life private? Use specific examples from both “The Minister’s Black Veil” and “The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe” to support your answer.

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