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Political corruption in New York State

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Presentation on theme: "Political corruption in New York State"— Presentation transcript:

1 Political corruption in New York State

2 Corruption in politics.
Why are politicians corrupt?

3 Identify the Causes Define the problem Gather evidence
Evaluate and Existing Policy Develop solutions Select the best solution (Feasibility Vs Effectiveness)


5 the amount of political control a person or group has in a country
What is power? the amount of political control a person or group has in a country

6 What is greed? a very strong wish to continuously get more of something, especially food or money

7 The sweet smell of money

8 What is arrogance? unpleasantly proud and behaving as if you are more important than, or know more than, other people


10 How long ago did it happen
As Far back as with the Tammany Society.

11 Gather the evidence

12 What are possible solutions?
Ban career politicians Seize all assets of crime- convicted politicians Reduce politicians’ powers

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