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Challenge to Tradition & Authority

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1 Challenge to Tradition & Authority
Unit Wrap-Up

2 Renaissance Reformation Trade Martin Luther Merchant Class 95 Theses
City-States Printing Press Individualism Humanism Secularism Martin Luther 95 Theses Protestant Religion Choice in Religion Power of Secular Government Rise of Nation-States

3 Enlightenment Scientific Revolution Reason & Logic Reason & Logic
Natural Rights Philosophes Monarchy Challenged Checks & Balances Bill of Rights Limited Monarchy Reason & Logic Scientific Method Laws of Nature Belief in Progress

4 Enlightenment Impact Philosophes challenged long-held ideas about society Used “reason & logic” to challenge old beliefs Believed in progress (improving society)

5 3 Types of Monarchs Absolute Monarch Constitutional Monarch
Enlightened Monarch

6 Enlightened Despots Some philosophes believed in monarchies
Absolute Ruler who wanted to be enlightened but NOT give up POWER. Catherine the Great of Russia

7 Questions raised this Unit
What is the best type of Government? What is the relationship between church & state? Are people born good or evil? (Can people be trusted to do the right thing?) Can people govern themselves? What is the best way for a monarch to rule?

8 Unit Test FRIDAY 60 multiple Choice questions
Quotes of Philosophes on Test 1 informal Essay PAPER due Monday

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