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Thirty Years’ War ( ) Instability in the Holy Roman Empire (Page 159)

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Presentation on theme: "Thirty Years’ War ( ) Instability in the Holy Roman Empire (Page 159)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thirty Years’ War ( ) Instability in the Holy Roman Empire (Page 159) Deadliest European religious war … Devolves into political war … Hapsburg family vs. France

2 Reformation – Absolutism – 1500’s to 1789 (French Revolution) Age of Exploration and Conquistadors – 1492 to 1550’s Scientific Revolution – 1500’s and 1600’s Enlightenment – 1600’s to 1700’s New France and French-Indian War – 1754 to 1763

3 Reformation (1517 – 1648) Calvinists Lutherans Anabaptists

4 Absolute Monarchs Charles V – Holy Roman Emperor Philip II of Spain
Louis XIV Peter the Great Catherine the Great

5 Peace of Augsburg (1555) (Page 89)
Peace settlement between Charles V & German Lutheran princes. Rulers can choose Catholicism or Lutheranism.

6 Ferdinand II ( ) King of Bohemia and Hungary, “Holy Roman Emperor” Violates “Peace of Augsburg” & the “Letter of Majesty.” Wants to force Catholicism on subjects.


8 Defenestration (1618) Literally means “thrown out a window.”
Two Catholic representatives were “defenestrated” in Prague.

9 Second Phase …

10 Cardinal Richelieu

11 Thirty Years’ War ( ) First stage of war – Battle of White Mountain & atrocities in Bohemia. Third stage of war – One Side … Sweden (leadership of Gustavus Adolphus) Protestant League France (Catholic) Dutch Republic Denmark ( ) Vs. Third stage of war One Side … Holy Roman Empire Spain * Catholic League Poland * Austria Denmark ( )

12 Catholic League Protestant League

13 Peace of Westphalia (1648) Significant!!!!! Ends … Establishes …
(1) Recognize Peace of Augsburg (1555) Calvinism now recognized (2) Minority Christian groups may practice religion (3) Sovereignty within boundaries

14 - The “Sick Man of Europe” - Balance of Power - Crisis in the Balkans
Situation in Europe, 1900

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