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Bellringer February 21, 2012 Take out Chapter 14 Notes Guide

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1 Bellringer February 21, 2012 Take out Chapter 14 Notes Guide
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2 Chapter 14, Section 2: Shoguns and Samurai
February 21, 2012 Chapter 14, Section 2: Shoguns and Samurai

3 Objectives Today we will be learning about the rise of the samurai and the shogunate in Japan.

4 Nara Period *During the A.D. 700, Japan built a new capital city, Nara
Nara was a center of Gov’t and religion, and due to it’s importance it has a period named after it.

5 Nara Period *At Nara, Japan added to Shotoku’s ideas by putting gov’t officials into ranks. *No more civil service exams, family ties = gov’t jobs *Gov’t officials paid with estates.

6 Nara Period *Buddhism gains strength during Nara Period.
Buddhism spread quickly during the A.D. 600s & 700s *Non Buddhist nobles opposed Buddhism though

7 Nara Period *A.D. 770 – a Buddhist monk tried to seize the throne.
*He was stopped by the emperor. *As a result, emperor left Nara & Buddhist monks there.

8 Rise of the Shogun *A.D. 794, Emperor Kammu built Heian, the new capital city. *Heian remained the capital for more than 1,000 years. *A.D. 800s, emperor’s power declined b/c weak emperors

9 Rise of the Shogun Gov’t Weakens: *Many child emperors
*Regents, court officials ruled for the child, but the regents refused to relinquish power.

10 Rise of the Shogun *Many regents came from the Fujiwara clan.
* They made the emperor a honored title, but powerless *As a result, many nobles controlled the land = power. *The nobles also didn’t have to pay taxes to the gov’t.

11 Samurai *To protect themselves, nobles formed private armies.
*Nobles gave land to warriors who agreed to fight = samurai *Samurai = “One who serves”

12 Samurai Samurais fought their opponents with swords, daggers, and bows and arrows. Wore leather or steel armor. Their name means one who serves. Their helmets were specially decorated.

13 Samurai *Bushido = “the way of the warrior”
*Samurais were to be brave, loyal, courageous, and honorable. *Samurais were not concerned with wealth and would rather die than surrender. WWII

14 Shogun *In the Gempei War, the Taira and the Minamoto family threw down. *In 1185, the Minamoto defeated the Taira at Shikoku.

15 Shogun *Minamoto Yoritomo, leader of the Minamoto family, was a threat to the Yamato family. *The emperor made Yoritomo shogun in order to keep him loyal.

16 Shogun *This military gov’t was known as a shogunate.
* Yoritomo was ruthless. He killed most of his family.

17 Mongols *The Mongols attacked in the late 1200s, but both of there attempts were foiled by kamikaze storms. *Kamikaze means “Divine Wind”.

18 Daimyo Divide Japan *Over time, the samurais lost their loyalty to shoguns b/c they didn’t have enough land after dividing it btw their sons. *1331, the emperor & samurai revolted against the gov’t, but the emperor still couldn’t give land to the samurais.

19 Daimyo Divide Japan *Ashikaga Takauji overthrew the emperor & made himself a shogun, Starting the Ashikaga shogunate. *Ash. shoguns were weak rulers & several revolts split the nation up into many territories with daimyos as their leaders.

20 Daimyo Divide Japan *Vassals = samurai who are given land in exchange for military service. *The bond between lord and vassal is called feudalism.

21 Daimyo Divide Japan *The Onin war destroyed Kyoto almost completely & further weakened Japan. *1567, powerful daimyo discouraged reunions and brought down the Ashikaga shogunate.

22 Homework

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