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Psalms 119:133-136 NKJV Direct my steps by Your word, and let no iniquity have dominion over me. Redeem me from the oppression of man, that I may keep.

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Presentation on theme: "Psalms 119:133-136 NKJV Direct my steps by Your word, and let no iniquity have dominion over me. Redeem me from the oppression of man, that I may keep."— Presentation transcript:

1 Psalms 119: NKJV Direct my steps by Your word, and let no iniquity have dominion over me. Redeem me from the oppression of man, that I may keep Your precepts. Make Your face shine upon Your servant, and teach me Your statutes. Rivers of water run down from my eyes, because men do not keep Your law. I. Rom. 12:2 A living sacrifice A. What is a sacrifice? 1. Often a word is used figuratively so often that we can forget the literal (main) meaning—such as with sacrifice (sacrifice some time, sacrifice bunt) 2. In the Bible, sacrifice (etc Heb, Gk words) literally means a slaughter and from that it can figuratively mean giving up anything (time, money). 3. Paul uses irony when he says a living sacrifice— a. we do not literally sacrifice ourselves b. everything you do with your body must be holy = total commitment c. everything you do with your body must be acceptable to God = total commitment B. Using opportunities to benefit one another (Rom. 12:7) 1. A living sacrifice is willing to give something up with the uncertainty of receiving anything back (from man) 2. Ministering (serving), not knowing whether others will serve me (v13) = gauges my commitment to God 3. Exhorts, not knowing how the exhortation will be received (v10) a. philostorgos combines “friend” with “family love” = friendly, family love + brotherly love b. solve problems and make others better, like godly friends and families do c. giving preference Whose preference makes most of our decisions, after God’s? Honor one another -- My commitment to God is measured by the use of my body

2 4 Passages about Our Commitment to God

3 Romans 12:1 What is a sacrifice?
A living sacrifice by (Rom. 12:7) I. Rom. 12:2 A living sacrifice A. What is a sacrifice? 1. Often a word is used figuratively so often that we can forget the literal (main) meaning—such as with sacrifice (sacrifice some time, sacrifice bunt) 2. In the Bible, sacrifice (etc Heb, Gk words) literally means a slaughter and from that it can figuratively mean giving up anything (time, money). 3. Paul uses irony when he says a living sacrifice— a. we do not literally sacrifice ourselves b. everything you do with your body must be holy = total commitment c. everything you do with your body must be acceptable to God = total commitment B. Using opportunities to benefit one another (Rom. 12:7) 1. A living sacrifice is willing to give something up with the uncertainty of receiving anything back (from man) 2. Ministering (serving), not knowing whether others will serve me (v13) = gauges my commitment to God 3. Exhorts, not knowing how the exhortation will be received (v10) a. philostorgos combines “friend” with “family love” = friendly, family love + brotherly love b. solve problems and make others better, like godly friends and families do c. giving preference Whose preference makes most of our decisions, after God’s? Honor one another -- My commitment to God is measured by the use of my body

4 Colossians 3:1-3 Where is your mind set?
Where is your mind not set? (verses 5-8) II. Col. 3:1-3 Set your mind on things above A. set your mind (phroneo) to exercise the mind, to interest oneself in (with concern or obedience). . . regard, savour, think (Strong’s Dictionary) B. Here are some ways to determine where your mind is 1. What are some things that you think and talk about every day? (what did Jesus?) 2. What things do you ensure are done (plan, neglect other)? (what did Jesus?) 3. What things get done if, at the end of the day, you think about it? (what did Jesus?) 4. Each day, we are most committed to someone(thing) a. it may change from day to day b. every decision we make is the result of where our mind is set C. Setting your mind on things above, also means get your mind off (Col. 3:5, 8) 1. if my mind is on sexual immorality, there is a reason—our mind follows our eyes, ears (input) 2. if my summertime clothes or team uniform is unclean (not pure), set your mind on what has come from Christ about covering nakedness (remember, Adam/Eve had clothes on and were naked until God clothed them). 3. if blasphemy (lack of respect for God) or filthy language comes out, that means my mind has been set... where? -- My commitment to God is measured by where my mind is set

5 Mark 8:34 What did these people think Jesus meant?
This makes us different (Mt. 5:13-16) avoid sin Js. 1:14-15 avoid some liberties 1 Cor. 10:31-33 add and abound in Phil. 4:7 (2 Pet.1:5) minimize lesser things Lk. 8:14 III. Deny self, take cross, follow Me Mk. 8:34 A. The people had no idea Jesus would be crucified---this must have seemed to be an odd illustration 1. the cross was reserved for the worst criminals, not dedicated followers 2. carrying the cross preceded torture and death 3. Jesus had just privately told the disciples he would be killed (v31ff) 4. This degree of commitment would be better understood after His death and resurrection B. The combination of these 3 statements makes us different 1. Self-denial is not unique to the gospel, as Paul warned (Col. 2:??; 1 Tim. 4) 2. Accepting severe hardships and trials are not unique to the gospel 3. To deny self and accept hardships to follow Jesus will make us different (Mt. 5:13-16)—happens when we: a. Js. 1: avoid sin, in thought-word-act (public, private, once, habit) b. 1 Cor. 10: avoid areas of liberty to avoid confusing or weakening others c. Phil. 4:7 (2 Pet. 1:5-7) add and abound in what pure, true, . . . d. Lk. 8:14 minimize my attn to and expectation of lesser things that distract me from better things. -- My commitment to God is measured by who I am following

6 2 Corinthians 8:5 Each church voluntarily participated (v8)
What do you do? What are you willing to do? privately Josh. 24:15 among your family Josh. 24:15 among the church Lk. 17:3 among the lost Col. 4:5-6 IV. Give yourself first to the Lord (2 Cor. 8:3-5, 12) A. Each church volunteered to gather funds for suffering saints (v8) 1. they volunteered to help when they were in poverty (God did not demand they help on this occasion) 2. they were willing to give sacrificially, wanting to do more (God did not demand they help as much as they did) 3. What caused them to be willing to do more than they could? they first gave . . . 4. Their commitment was shown not only by how much they gave but by what they were willing to give. B. Whether you give yourself first to the Lord is defined by what you do and what you are willing to do 1. In your private life: Repent and confess (Lk. 15:7, 10; 1 Jn. 1:9) a. whether you ask man to forgive you or not depends on the sin b. how specific are you in your repentance and confession? 2. Among your family Josh. 24:15 a. What things do you demand, encourage, forbid, ignore, do? b. Is there anything you have been willing or unwilling to do that hinders your family (spouse, children, parents) from giving themselves first to the Lord? 3. Among the church Lk. 17:3 (Eph. 4:30) a. forgiving each other is one result of giving ourselves first to the Lord b. when I cling to sins that have been confessed, what is missing? 4. Among the lost (Col. 4:5-6) What are you doing for the lost that is evidence you have given . . .? C. Giving ourselves first to the Lord means not asking how little can I offer but realizing there is nothing I may willfully withhold. -- My commitment to God is measured by who I give myself to first

7 4 Passages about Our Commitment to God

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