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Preamble Breakdown (this powerpoint has animations you need to view)

2 Preamble- An introduction to the U.S. Constitution.
What is a Preamble? (if we’re talking about a document…U.S. Constitution) Preamble- An introduction to the U.S. Constitution. *The Preamble to the U.S. Constitution provides the goals of the government…like a thesis statement.


4 From
So how does the Preamble Begin? Click the picture to watch School House Rock’s Preamble (America Rock) video! From

5 We the People of the United States,
Who are We the People ? Why is this phrase so important in starting our Constitution? Every person in the United States, regardless of race/ethnicity, national origin, gender, class, etc… has power over the government. (consent of the governed) *How is this statement an example of social contract? *What concept from the Mayflower compact is found in this statement? Form of government? The people agree to live under a government and have that government creates laws all will follow. Self-government. In return, the people gain the protection of the government…

6 What is a “Union” in context of the Preamble?
…in order to form a more perfect Union, What is a “Union” in context of the Preamble? The “Union” refers to the United States. Predict: How can we make our Constitution “more perfect,” or improve it? How would you put “in order to form a more perfect Union” in your own words?

7 …establish Justice, What does “justice” mean?
Article III, Section I (U.S. Constitution): “The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish.” …establish Justice, “For depriving us in many cases, of the benefit of Trial by Jury.” - grievance to King George III from the Declaration of Independence What does “justice” mean? Fairness; the act of applying or upholding the law How do we carry out “justice” in America? How would you put “establish justice” in your own words?

8 …insure domestic tranquility,
What does “domestic” mean? Within a country What does “tranquility” mean? Peace domestic + tranquility = ? Peace within a country How would you put “insure domestic tranquility” in your own words? How does our government insure domestic tranquility?

9 …provide for the common defense,
How do we provide security in America? What does “common defense” mean? Security of all people Defense is spelled defence in the Constitution Image from How would you put “provide for the common defense” in your own words?

10 What does “Welfare” mean in the context of the Preamble?
…promote the general Welfare, What does “Welfare” mean in the context of the Preamble? Well- being; the state or condition of being healthy, safe, happy, and/or prospering So what would the “general Welfare” be? The well-being of the community as a whole. Examples? How would you put “promote the general welfare” in your own words?

11 …secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,
What does “liberty” mean? freedom What does “posterity” mean? All future generations What are some ways we can do this? How would you put “Secure the blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity” in your own words?

12 What does “ordain” mean? Establish formally or by law
…do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. What does “ordain” mean? Establish formally or by law How would you put “Do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America” in your own words?

13 Discuss at your table and be ready to share…
Which part of the preamble do you think is the most important?

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