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BIOL 2416 Chapter 1: Genetics: An Introduction

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1 BIOL 2416 Chapter 1: Genetics: An Introduction

2 Course Information Lecture Lab Attendance Exams Paper

3 Introduction to Genetics
Genetics = study of heredity. (structural) gene = chunk of meaningful DNA that codes for production of a cellular protein. 4 sub-disciplines: Transmission Genetics (a.k.a. Classical Genetics) Molecular Genetics Population Genetics (a.k.a. Evolutionary Genetics) Quantitative Genetics

4 Transmission/Classical Genetics
Mendelian inheritance Mitosis and meiosis Pedigree analysis Controlled breeding Mutational analysis Cytogenetics (chromosomal alterations) Gene mapping

5 Molecular Genetics DNA structure and function DNA replication
Transcription and translation Control of gene expression Recombinant DNA / Genetic Engineering Genomics DNA mutation Extrachromosomal inheritance

6 Population/Evolutionary Genetics
Deals with 1 or few genes Measure changes in allele frequency within a population over time evolution Measure the effects of DNA mutation, migration, selection, and genetic drift on gene frequencies (allele = gene variant) (population = interbreeding, localized group of individuals of same species) (gene pool = all alleles in a population)

7 Quantitative Genetics
Study of of grayscale traits: Polygenic traits (involves multiple genes) Environmental factors Multifactorial traits (multiple genes and environmental factors) (Involves lots of statistics)

8 Scientific Method Observation Hypothesis Experimentation
Reasonable explanation Experimentation To test hypothesis only 1 testing variable Involves if…then prediction Use control results to troubleshoot repeat REJECT or SUPPORT hypothesis

9 Scientific Theory Big deal
Collection of related hypotheses that have stood the test of time (always supported, never rejected) Details may still be worked out

10 2 Kinds of Research BASIC: APPLIED:
Builds foundation of knowledge (Encyclopedia A-Z) No immediate use in mind APPLIED: Often based on basic research Geared towards specific use Not always concerned with how and why, as long as it works

11 Model Organism Criteria
Easy / cheap to grow and handle Small genome Plentiful offspring from each mating Short life cycle Many marked genetic variations Large genetic history (genetic data bases / genetic mapping data)

12 Prokaryotic Cells Bacteria unicellular Small and simple
Single, circular DNA in nucleoid region No membrane-bound organelles Fig Cutaway diagram of a generalized prokaryotic cell

13 Eukaryotic Cells All other organisms (including plant and animal cells) Larger and more complex Uni and multicellular With multiple linear chromosomes inside nucleus And other membrane-bound organelles

14 Common Model Organisms
PROKARYOTIC: Escherichia coli EUKARYOTIC: Saccharomyces cerevisiae (unicellular baking yeast) Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) Caenorhabditis elegans (nematode worm) Arabidopsis thaliana (mustard weed) Mus musculus (mouse)

15 Resources for Genetic Research: Genetic Maps
Locus/loci Map units/CentiMorgans

16 Resources for Genetic Research: Genetic Databases

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