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Introduction To Matlab Class 9

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction To Matlab Class 9"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction To Matlab Class 9
Instructors: Hristiyan (Chris) Kourtev and Xiaotao Su, PhD

2 Using the Matlab Debugger
Setting and removing breakpoints Stepping through the code Stepping inside functions and script Complications when using Psychtoolbox

3 Deploying Matlab Programs on other machines
The Matlab Builder/Deploytool – ‘deploytool’ The Matlab Component Runtime (MCR) Creating a standalone version of a Matlab program (Windows) Creating a standalone version of a Matlab program (OSX) The .NET Builder and deploying to the web

4 Examples of Real World Experiments
Nvnp (non-verbal nesting pilot) Reverse perspective Color experiments Tslib (time-stamp data analysis library)

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