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Adventure Pass Orientation

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1 Adventure Pass Orientation
Expecting over 120 attendees, please: Mute YOUR microphone Use text chat to ask questions Let us complete the presentation before you start asking questions. If you can not hear us, call into (201) Pin: You can hear us on the phone. Website: There will be an FAQ posted to the website.

2 Introduction to in collaboration with the
Metropolitan, DuPage, and North Suburban Library Systems and Chicago Sun-Times and WLIT-FM 93.9

3 Program Mission To create a partnership between libraries, arts and cultural organizations, and the program sponsors that will combine the gift of access to local arts and cultural organizations with the library’s wealth of resources that extend the learning experience in an exciting museum adventure pass program.

4 Program Objectives To excite kids & families about visiting all of the arts and cultural gems in our community. To provide access to families who are otherwise unable to afford attending museums/cultural organizations due to cost. To educate kids & families on what their library has to offer them beyond books.

5 Public website home page (www. museumadventure
Public website home page ( click on what you want to find out.

6 Patrons can use this page to find out about the program.

7 Here patrons can see which museums are a part of the program and link to their websites.

8 On this page patrons can see if their library is participating and link to their library’s website.

9 Partner login is for libraries and museums only
Partner login is for libraries and museums only. Patrons will not be able to check out passes from home. They will need to come into the library.

10 Administration side home page. Choose which area you are administering.

11 Select what you want to do from the menu on the left.

12 How Will the Passes be Circulated?

13 Use the pull down menus for library and museum.
Use the pull down menus to select a library and a museum or choose all museums.

14 Select the pass you want.

15 Enter the patron’s name and library card number.
Hit “check out pass” to print the pass to your selected printer.

16 Top half of the pass

17 Bottom half of pass.

18 Printing Tips The passes can be printed in color or B/W. A gradient to the borders and a watermark have been added to discourage people from copying the passes. When printing passes in IE7, you may have the option to print background images turned off. If you do not see the pass borders when you print preview, follow these steps to turn background printing on: Select Tools - Internet Options, then click on the Advanced tab. Under Printing there is an option for "Print background colors and images". Make sure this is checked. In Firefox, go to File - Page Setup. On the Format & Options tab there is a checkbox for "Print Background (colors & images)". You will need to make sure this is checked.

19 Printing Tips Since all printers are different, we have no control of the size or the way the ticket may look. You may have to practice and set your printer for best results.

20 Circulation Passes will automatically expire in 7 days.
The database will keep track of how many passes remain for each museum. It will “put passes back” into circulation when they expire. Passes will not be returned to the lending library. Passes may be kept by the museum or destroyed.

21 Circulation Holds can’t be placed in this database. Libraries may handle holds manually if they wish. Patrons must come TO THE LIBRARY to check out a pass. No need to charge overdue fines. Circ desk does not need to be the location where patrons go for passes.

22 Use the pull down menus to search for museum and library statistics.

23 Additional publicity material will be available to download and print.

24 Complete the form if you have questions or concerns.

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