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Student Diversity: Culture, Language, and Gender

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1 Student Diversity: Culture, Language, and Gender
EDUC Chapter 4

2 Dimensions of Diversity
Culture Language Gender Development Ability Exceptionalities

3 Diversity Terms Culture Cultural Diversity Ethnicity
The knowledge, attitudes, values, customs and behavior patterns that characterize a social group. Cultural Diversity The different cultures that you'll encounter in classrooms and how these cultural differences influence learning. Ethnicity A person’s ancestry; the way individuals identify themselves with the nation they or their ancestors come from.

4 Urban Schools and Diversity
Cultural minorities Are majorities in 48 of 100 largest U.S. cities Are majorities in 6 states Comprise 90% of students in Chicago Detroit Houston Los Angeles District of Columbia Percentage of minority students predicted to increase in the future

5 Diversity in Utah Schools

6 Cultural Attitudes, Values, & Interaction Patterns
Learned at home and in neighborhood Influence school success, both positively and negatively Require both teacher sensitivity and adaptability

7 Educational Responses to Cultural Diversity
Multicultural education: A variety of strategies schools use to accommodate cultural differences in teaching and learning Salad bowl or mosaic versus melting pot Culturally responsive teaching: Instruction that acknowledges and accommodates cultural diversity Accepting and valuing cultural differences Accommodating different cultural interaction patterns Building on students’ cultural backgrounds

8 Bilingual Education Bilingual Maintenance language programs: use and sustain the first language Immersion programs: emphasize rapid transition to a new language English as a Second Language (ESL) programs: focus on English in academic subjects Transition programs: maintain first language while students learn English

9 Bilingual Education Controversial because critics fear the loss of English as U.S. language 26 states have official English language legislation De-emphasized by No Child Left Behind Proponents claim it is effective, humane, and practical. Critics claim it is divisive, ineffective, and inefficient.

10 ESL Programs English as a Second Language
ESL endorsement Alternative Language Services (ALS) English Language Learners (ELL) Limited English Proficiency (LEP)

11 Gender Gender influences career choices.
Gender-role identity creates differences in expectations and beliefs about appropriate roles and behaviors. Stereotypes create rigid and simplistic caricatures of groups of people. Single-gender classrooms and schools separate male and female students.


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