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Separation Techniques in Chemistry

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1 Separation Techniques in Chemistry
Created by: Mdm Lee AL

2 Lesson Objectives At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
Identify the different methods of purifying mixtures Describe the filtration method of purification. Describe the crystallisation method of purification. Describe the method of purification by distillation.

3 What is purification process mixtures
Purification is a ________ to separate _________ into its components. When a substance is pure it will have ______ melting and boiling point. fixed

4 Methods of Separation There are 6 methods common method of purification in your syllabus: _______________ ________________ _________________ Magnetism Filtration Simple Distillation Fractional Distillation Crystallisation Chromatography

5 1. Magnetism Concept: The use of a ________ to separate solids which has _______ properties. Example: separating ______ from a mixture of iron fillings and sulphur. magnet magnetic iron

6 2. FILTRATION Concept: To separate _________ from a ____________. E.g: To separate sand from water solid solution

7 Do You Know? The NEWater Factory uses Micro filtration,
Reverse Osmosis and Ultra-violet light disinfections technologies in a simple three-stage treatment process to treat The first process is called Micro filtration (MF). In MF, the treated used water is passed through fibres that work as microscopic filters.

8 3. CRYSTALLISATION Concept: To obtain _______ from a ____________ solution. In the process ______________ are formed solid saturated crystals

9 Do You Know? For making of chips e.g. silicon in calculators, computers etc. Quartz crystals. Vibrates 32,768 times per second. This controls time. To study proteins, scientists first need to grow crystals, which can be used to help study their structures. This experiment is designed to introduce students to the concepts and techniques involved in growing protein crystals.

10 4. SIMPLE DISTILLATION Concept: To obtain ________ by ____________hot
vapour into its components. Example: separating sea water into water and salt solvent condensing

11 HOW DOES IT WORK? This method work because the mixtures have ________ boiling points. Water _____ OUT different Water _____ IN Water is the __________ distillate

Concept: To separate ______________ based on _________ in boiling point. Example: mixture containing ethanol and water miscible liquids difference __________ Fractional column __________ Boiling chips

13 Do you Know? This technology can be used in desalination plant to obtain pure water. (Distillation is a treatment process that uses heat energy rather than chemicals to purify drinking water.) Distillation is effective in disinfecting water and in the removal of inorganic contaminants. Examples of inorganic minerals removable by distillation include arsenic, lead, manganese, uranium and most other minerals.

Used commonly in industry to: Separate crude oil (Petroleum) into useful fractions Obtain nitrogen and oxygen from air

Petroleum gas Lubricating oil Bitumen (Build roads)

16 Summary chromatography crystallisation SEPARATION TECHNQUES mixture
Pure substances to separate miscible liquids if is a To separate solid from solution Can be purified by Contains only single spot on chromatogram Filtration Fractional Distillation Simple Distillation to separate solvent from solution To separate compounds with similar properties to separate solid from a liquid Magnetism to separate magnetic solid from solid mixtures

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