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Architecture and Building Culture Policy of the Czech Republic

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1 Architecture and Building Culture Policy of the Czech Republic
Brno, 15 February 2018 Roman VODNÝ Josef MORKUS

2 Basic Information Non-legislative document
Approved by governmental resolution 22 on 14 Jan 2015 Motivation, not restriction Main aim: support quality of built-up environment and strengthen interest in harmonious urban environment

3 Authors Ministry of Regional Development
Institute for Spatial Development Cooperation: Czech Chamber of Architects Czech Chamber of Engineers and Technicians Association for Urban and Regional Planning of the Czech Republic Universities, NGOs... Source of picture:

4 History Source of pictures:

5 Distribution 3000 printed copies, incl attached to a professional magazine Regional and local planning authorities Published in the Government Gazette for municipalities and regions Conferences Info in newspaper and professional websites English version Multi language leaflets Source of pictures:

6 Contents Goals and users Basic terms Related legal regulation
Relevant documents Analysis Vision Themes and objectives (8 topics) Implementation (71 measures with set timeframe and responsible organisations) Authors Source of picture:

7 Implementation Report - December 2017
Basic information Distribution, publicizing, conferences Overview of foreign policies General benefits Fulfilment of measures Future changes Source of pictures: Ministry of Regional Development

8 Vision Objectives and measures should lead to: Quality in architecture
Economical buildings, well set into the surroundings Friendly public space Good urban-rural relation and harmonious landscape Respect for local specificities Architecture as part of cultural heritage Education of general public Interest in quality of built-up environment Complex and integrated approach

9 1. Landscape and settlements arrangement
Positively influence development of settlement structure. Minimize expansion of settlements into landscape. Ensure adequate access to public infrastructure. Source of pictures:

10 2. Public Space Ensure sufficient availability of public spaces and their mutual interconnection. Ensure good quality of public spaces. Source of pictures:

11 3. Integration of Buildings into the Surroundings
Ensure linkage of new buildings to the character and structure of valuable existing urban fabric. Protect and strengthen character of elements creating identity and support uniqueness of the area. Assess and strengthen the role of city / regional architects Source of pictures:

12 4. Public Procurement Demand the highest quality in tenders for public works. Use architectural competitions and design contests for buildings financed from public budgets. Source of picture: Ministry of Regional Development

13 5. Projects and sustainability of buildings
Ensure project documentation in the highest quality Standards of documentation, price standards. Pay increased attention to the economy of construction, operation and maintenance of buildings. Source of pictures:

14 6. Education Expand continuous lifelong education of public officers.
Expand the system of further education of planners and designers. Support and develop education and awareness-raising at all schooling levels. Source of pictures: Ministry of Regional Development

15 7. Awareness and Media Emphasize wider presentation of topics of architecture in public media. Promote examples of good practice of building and subsequent maintenance of the completed work. Raise awareness about complex approach to environment. Source of picture:

16 8. Research and Development
Support and develop research activities focusing on architecture and building culture. Utilize research and development results in practice. Source of pictures:

17 Future Topics to Discuss
Better promotion of Czech architecture Digitization Sustainability and resilience of buildings Heritage protection, including 20th century Vernacular architecture Local, regional and European architecture policies State and regional architects Architecture and politics General assessment and update in 2020

18 Ministry of Regional Development
Ing. Roman VODNÝ, Ph.D. Director of Spatial Planning Department Ing. arch. Josef MORKUS, Ph.D. Head of Conception and Methodical Unit 53b816d779b7/Architecture-and-Building-Culture-Policy-of- the-Czech-Republic.pdf

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