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Student Governance Approved Student governance led by the SRC versus the new movements and Forums. Mr George Sibanyoni co-presenter-Ntokozo Tyapile.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Governance Approved Student governance led by the SRC versus the new movements and Forums. Mr George Sibanyoni co-presenter-Ntokozo Tyapile."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Governance Approved Student governance led by the SRC versus the new movements and Forums. Mr George Sibanyoni co-presenter-Ntokozo Tyapile



4 Student Governance Requirements by the Statutes
The SRC is an Umbrella Body in Consultation with students , student Structures represent and advocate for Student interests and all decision making meetings with management and other stakeholders. Ensure that the academic and Social aspects of the students are catered for. Ensure that the voice of the students is clearly heard in all corners of the university. House committee are proactively involved with students in the Residences, in all aspects of their lives (Academic, Sports, Social and Personal) Advise and Assisting students who are experiencing academic and personal Problems, referring these students to appropriate resources within the university

5 Strategic Decision Making Forums and Student Programs
University Council Religious activities Senate Political Schools Institutional Forums Cultural and Diversity Programs Finance Committee Social Justice Awareness programs Student Affairs Committee Gumba & Freshers festivals

6 NEW Movements and Forums

7 THE MOVEMENTS Do you think Such movements are leaderless?
Are those leaders lead by a political agenda or visionaries? Who funds such movements? The use of social media in the emancipation of students? How long will this movement prolong before solutions are formulated? Countries unemployment rate and the role in fees must fall?

8 Student Governance Vs Movements

9 Solutions From Movement in Collaboration with Student Governance???


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