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next week are we out of school on president’s day

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Presentation on theme: "next week are we out of school on president’s day"— Presentation transcript:

1 next week are we out of school on president’s day
Welcome to Reading Grab a pencil and your reading notebook! Microphones are required! Remember to set up your audio: Go to Tools>Audio>Audio Setup Wizard While you wait: Type the sentence below correctly in chat and send me the corrected version. Hint*There are 4 errors. next week are we out of school on president’s day

2 Standard/Teaching Point
Standards: 5.1 Ask and answer inferential questions to analyze meaning beyond the text; refer to details and examples within a text to support inferences and conclusions. 11.2: Explain how an author uses reasons and evidence to support particular points. 4.1h. use a variety of sentence types to produce complete sentences, recognizing and correcting inappropriate fragments and run-ons; and Teaching Point: Today we are going to review adjectives and take our historical nonfiction post assessment in class.

3 Comparative Adjectives

4 file:///C:/Users/teacher/Downloads/G4B3_PreAssess_SampleResponses.pdf




8 Video

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14 Google Doc Info

15 Weekly Calendar Grab a pencil nd your reading notebook!

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