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Political Cartoons By: Ms. Astle.

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1 Political Cartoons By: Ms. Astle

2 Political Cartoonists’ Persuasive Techniques
Political cartoonists use the following techniques to persuade you the reader: Symbolism—Cartoonists use simple objects, or symbols, to stand for lager concepts or ideas. Exaggeration—Sometimes cartoonists overdo, or exaggerate, the physical characteristics of people or things in order to make a point. Labeling—Cartoonists often label objects or people to make it clear exactly what they stand for. Analogy—An Analogy is a comparison between two unlike things. By comparing a complex issue or situation with a more familiar one, cartoonists can help their readers see it in a different light. Irony—Irony is the difference between the way things are and the way things should be, or the way things are expected to be. Cartoonist often use irony to express their opinion on an issue.

3 Political Cartoons The Cartoon should cause an emotional response—laughter, smile, or anger. Editorial cartoons are meant to persuade the viewer to feel a certain way about an issue or event. Cartoons clearly express the artist’s opinion on a current issue or event.

4 Political Cartoons Once you you’ve identified the persuasive techniques that the cartoonist used, ask your self these questions: What issue is the political cartoon about? What do you think is the cartoonist’s opinion on the issue? What other opinion can you imagine another person having on this issue? Did you find this cartoon persuasive? Why or Why not? What other techniques could the cartoonist have used to make this cartoon more persuasive?

5 A Grand Match

6 General Jackson Slays Monster

7 The King Can Do No Wrong

8 Head In the Sand

9 American Citizenship

10 Electing Leaders

11 Hydro-Fracking

12 Airport Security

13 Airport Security

14 Airport Security

15 Social Security & Medicare

16 Immigration

17 War

18 Baseball

19 Trump

20 Education

21 America First

22 Cruises

23 AIG Bonuses

24 Sarah Palin

25 Stimulus

26 TSA

27 Immigration Bill

28 Climate

29 Banks Bailout

30 Gadhafi

31 Immigration

32 Bush Vs. Gore Recount

33 Gore and Bush Election

34 Standardized Testing and Schools

35 Michael Phelps

36 Presidential Campaigns

37 Obama’s Promises

38 Michael Phelps Olympics

39 Obama’s Promises

40 Banks Bailout

41 Auto Industry Bailout

42 Auto Industry Bailout

43 Auto Industry Bailout

44 Election

45 Presidential Debates

46 Florida

47 Army’s Lack of Troops

48 Saddam’s Trial

49 Don’t Follow the Leader

50 Take Them for All Their Worth

51 Don’t Judge a Book By Its Cover

52 Jackson’s Cabinet Resignations

53 Uncle Sam’s Pet Pups

54 Avian Flue

55 Resources Daryl Cage’s Political Cartoonists Index (2009) Daryl Cage, at URL: Dr. Suess Went to War: A Catalog of Political Cartoons (2000) U.C. Regents at URL:

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