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Presentation on theme: "2003 NFHS WRESTLING RULES INTEPRETATION MEETING"— Presentation transcript:

October 1, 2003 Indianapolis, IN

2 Prior to change: There was no option for states that were body fat testing.
States that body fat test, utilize a hydration test and include a 1 1/2% weekly weight loss on descent need not use the “50% Rule”. States may also include 50% Rule, if they wish. Methods of Hydration testing Strips Refractometer Color Charts Methods of Body Fat Testing Calipers Bioimpedence Air Displacement Hydrostatic Weighing

3 Prior to Change: The previous rule language was somewhat open ended.
Now, after reviewing the scoring and signing the score sheet/bout card the official’s jurisdiction has concluded. Casebook:

4 Prior to Change: Language removed last year inadvertently.
Referee must give approval if a shirt is to be worn under the sleeveless uniform top. Shirt considerations: Single, solid color Unadorned, except for manufacturer logo Close fitting

5 Sleeves no longer than traditional short-sleeve style
No material that would be tacky or slick Casebook: D, E

6 Prior to Change: There was no review of skin condition release form
Rule 4-2-3 Suspected condition must have a clearance form from a physician. Must be presented to official prior to competition If in doubt (and no form), the wrestler shall not compete The change gives authority to an on-site physician for review of the condition to determine the advisability of participation Allows more timely review of condition On-site physician may only be available at large tournaments Casebook: Situation 1 4.2.3A-D

7 Prior to Change: Last year’s rules change seemed unclear and confusing
No change in rule, only organization Original change made to penalize unfair acts which many felt were going unpunished Casebook: Situation 3 5.2.5A-E

8 Prior to Change: In the past, there was a 48 hour window of opportunity to correct the computation of individual and team scores Limit is now 30 minutes Was identified as being an administrative problem Coach’s responsibility to know match and team score Former rule meant a team could leave site and the results of team placement could be changed Rules are in place should the coach believe an error has occurred in a match scoring Other rules coverage: Rule 6-6-6 Casebook: Situation 3 6.6.4B, D-F

9 Prior to Change: In the past, the rule allowed only a physician to render a decision as to whether or not an injured wrestler could again compete Now the provided medical staff has this authority Coach cannot overrule any medical decision Other rules coverage: Rule 8-2-4 Rule 4-2-4 Casebook: Situation 4

10 Prior to Change: The individual match score was recorded with the same points for each wrestler. Computer programs would not advance a competitor. When the tiebreaker ends with identical scores, the offensive wrestler is declared the winner and an additional point is added to this competitor’s score. Officiating reminder: Keep the competitors between you and the scoring table. Always maintain eye contact with competitors. Other rules coverage: Rule 6-1-3 Rule 6-7

11 Prior to Change: Should a team forfeit occur, the official score was 1-0
With this change, should the offended team be leading and a team forfeit occurs, the score will stand.

12 Prior to Change: Team tie-breaking was only suggested
For dual team tournaments, ties have been broken to advance teams Now, all dual meets ending in a tied score must be broken by use of the tie-breaking system

13 Another criterion added
New #6 “the team having the greater number of first-points scored shall be declared the winner” As many steps as possible are needed to determine a winner before a flip of the disk is used. Casebook: Situation 5

14 Concern: Using edge of the mat to avoid wrestling
Review: Fleeing is a technical violation, not stalling Any act of “playing the edge” shall be called Exception: Pinning situation where points have been earned, no penalty for fleeing shall be awarded Casebook: A-D

15 Concern: Confusion remains concerning weight class eligibility
Procedure: Competitors must address the scale when their intended weight is called. Once all competitors for that weight class have weighed that weight class is closed. A wrestler from a higher weight class cannot go down a class even though their actual weight would permit. Other rules coverage: Rule 4-4-2 Rule 1-2-5

16 Front headlocks remain a concern
Produced a video last year for each high school. Should review again. Review: Restricts blood flow and/or breathing This action is potentially dangerous

17 The forehead slap or tap has been identified as a concern
Physical act to disconcert opponent Action considered unnecessary roughness Must be penalized immediately Act is different than a feint move

Misconduct is called when: No misapplication occurred Questioning judgment Penalize according to the Penalty Chart (8-1-5) Actions by a coach to possibly give a wrestler a rest is not acceptable Legitimate questions about misapplication of a rule is allowed Questioning judgment is an immediate penalty Procedure for questioning a rule application: Coach may go to table to request a conference Time-out will be called at the appropriate time Competitors to remain on the 10 font circle Referee and coach will discuss rule application

Coaches misconduct results in: First Offense – Warning Second Offense – Deduct one team point Third Offense – Deduct one team point and removal of head coach *Remove for the day. Sequence starts over each day. If no change, such as: Score change Placement of competitor Adjustment of timing then coaching staff will be penalized for misconduct If misapplication of a rule has occurred, no penalty shall be changed Opposing coach shall be informed of correction

20 New scoring symbol added to:
Scoring Abbreviation NFHS Scorebook NFHS Bout Card NFHS Website

21 OUT OF BOUNDS (5-1-2) B A C E D Review:
Supporting points of either wrestler must be inbounds for action to continue Inactivity may be cause for stopping and restarting Proper positioning by referee is important D

22 2004 Rules Committee Meeting
Rules Changes Form Due March 3, 2004 2004 Rules Committee Meeting April 4 and 5 Indianapolis, IN Addresses:


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