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We will begin our celebration by making the sign of the cross.

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1 We will begin our celebration by making the sign of the cross.
Saint Andrew Speaker 1 Good morning everybody and welcome to our assembly dedicated to Saint Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland. We will begin our celebration by making the sign of the cross. (Everyone makes the sign of the cross led by speaker 1 – slowly)

2 Andrew and his brother Peter were Fishermen from Galilee.
Speaker 2 Andrew lived around 2000 years ago, in a town near Galilee which is now in Israel. He and his family were fishermen. He was a follower of John the Baptist as was his brother Simon. When John pointed to Jesus and said, “Behold the Son of God!” Andrew understood that Jesus was the Messiah. From this point Andrew decided to follow Jesus. He was the first disciple of Christ. Andrew’s brother also chose to follow Jesus who renamed him ‘Peter’ . He would become the first Pope and later Saint Peter. Andrew and his brother Peter were Fishermen from Galilee.

3 “Come follow me” Speaker 3
At first the two brothers continued to carry on fishing until one day Jesus said, “Follow me. Leave behind your boats and nest, I will make you fishers of men.” Immediately they left behind their nets to follow him. Please join us in singing our first hymn number _________ ‘Follow Me’.

4 Andrew spreads the word of God.
The Ascension of Jesus Speaker 4 After Jesus rose from the dead and ascended into heaven, Andrew preached the Gospel in many different countries. He spoke to many people about Christ and his teachings. He gave his life for what he believed in. At this time there were people who did not like what Andrew was doing or preaching. They sentenced him to death. Like Jesus he died on a cross. This cross has become the symbol of our country. Andrew spreads the word of God.

5 Saint Rule, was warned in a dream.
Speaker 5 You may be wondering what the connection is with Scotland and St Andrew. His fame had grown and grown, even after his death. It is believed that Andrew was buried in Greece and the story is told that 400 years after his death a Greek Monk called St. Rule was warned in a dream that St. Andrew’s remains were to be moved. He was directed by an angel to take those of the remains which he could to the "ends of the earth" for safe-keeping. St. Rule dutifully followed these directions, removing a tooth, an arm bone, a kneecap and some fingers from St. Andrew's tomb and transporting these as far away as he could. Scotland was close to the extremities of the known world at that time and it was here that St. Rule was shipwrecked with his precious cargo. St. Rule is said to have come ashore at a settlement on the East Coast of Scotland and this later became St. Andrews. Thus the association of St. Andrew with Scotland was said to have begun.

6 Let us now sing the hymn to Saint Andrew.
Speaker 6 Please bow your head O glorious St. Andrew, you were the first to recognize and follow the Lamb of God. With your friend, St. John, you remained with Jesus for that first day, for your entire life, and now throughout eternity. As you led your brother, St. Peter, to Christ and many others after him, draw us also to Him. Teach us to lead others to Christ solely out of love for Him and dedication in His service. Help us to learn the lesson of the Cross and to carry our daily crosses without complaint so that they may carry us to Jesus. Amen Let us now sing the hymn to Saint Andrew.

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