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世代傳承:從1到1.5之間 Generations to Generations

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Presentation on theme: "世代傳承:從1到1.5之間 Generations to Generations"— Presentation transcript:

1 世代傳承:從1到1.5之間 Generations to Generations
Amy T. Lin, Ph.D. 林慈敏 Logos Evangelical Seminary 正道福音神學院

2 Generation dynamics reflect cultural differences
Acculturation speed differs Parentified Child: 1.5 G Generation dynamics reflect developmental issues Age Identity vs. Role Confusion Age Intimacy vs. Isolation Age Generativity vs. stagnation Generation dynamics reflect family boundaries Hierarchical vs. Egalitarian Enmeshed vs. Disengaged

3 We need each other Analogy Passing on wisdom and legacy
Earl Crep’s Reverse Mentoring: How Young Leaders Can Transform the Church and Why We Should Let Them Analogy Apprentice vs. owner’s son

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