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Collaborative Framework between ATRCs and Partners to increase trade

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1 Collaborative Framework between ATRCs and Partners to increase trade
Abou Fall AGOA/GVC Coordinator, Trade Hub

2 Collaborative Framework between ATRCs and Partners
Understand the needs of clients (ERCs) Customize services to clients Understand the role and objectives of partners Create synergies with partners

3 Identification of ERCs
This is the baseline for all the work to be accomplished. Work with Customs, Statistics, export promotion agencies, shipping companies, etc. to identify ERCs. Fill out ERQs to build our own database.

4 Working with the ATRC Work with the THN technical team for in-country activities THN should inform and involve the ATRCs of activities done in countries. Work with the network of Financial Advisors to refer companies for access to finance. Work with the M&E team to follow up on assistance provided to companies.

5 Working with THN Partners
Coordinate with THN partners (GSA, ACA, Borderless Alliance, WAGN, COFENAB-VI, AMCHAM, Sidley Austin, etc.) Inform institutional partners about ATRCs activities (USAID, U.S. Embassies). Involve Ministries, etc. on ATRC activities. 5

6 Thank you for your attention Abou Fall, ATRC Coordinator

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