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We are in a global village

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Presentation on theme: "We are in a global village"— Presentation transcript:

1 We are in a global village

2 Fill in the table country city river mountain Wales Cardiff the Thames
Elbrus Northern Ireland Edinburgh the Severn Ben Nevis Scotland Kazan the Volga the Ural Russia

3 QUIZ 1.Look at the diagram and tell how many people live in the UK and Tatarstan. 2. Fill in the gaps with the names of nationalities a). He is from Scotland. He is…. b). She is from Tatarstan. She is …. c). I am from Russia. I am…

4 3. What is the flag of the UK?

5 4. Match the picture and the name
The Theatre of G. Kamal Loch Ness The Houses of Parliament

6 The emblems Tatarstan England Wales Northern Ireland Scotland

7 Fact File of Tatarstan Republic: Tatarstan Capital: Kazan
Emblem: Dzhilan Population: 3.8 million The places of interests: the Kremlin, Kul Sharif mosque, Suiymbika tower, the Opera theatre by M. Zhalil

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