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Mammal Characteristics

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1 Mammal Characteristics
Single jawbone Feed young milk 4 chambered heart Endothermic Tetrapods (4 arms/legs/appendages) 3 bones in ear for hearing Teeth Most live birth and hair

2 3 Groups of mammals Monotremes: Lay eggs Only found in Australia, Duck billed platypus and echidnea Marsupials: Live birth, but develop in a pouch kangaroos and koalas Placentals: Live birth, fetus develops longer inside the mother, nourishment from placenta

3 Teeth Incisors: Chisel shaped for puncturing Canines: Pointed for tearing Molars: Flat for grinding

4 Body Systems Circulatory: Closed, two loops for high pressure, 4 chambered for separation of oxygenated/deoxygenated blood Nervous: Large Cerebrums in higher mammals Digestive: Mouth, esophagus, stomach, SI, LI, anus Reproductive: Sexual, sperm, egg, testicles, ovaries


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