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Geography What is geography all about?.

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Presentation on theme: "Geography What is geography all about?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geography What is geography all about?

2 Geography studies Earth and how humans live here
Where is it located? What is it like there? How do people live and work there? Why is it so?

3 Let’s start with the basics!
Before we begin looking at how humans interact with their physical environment, we need to be able to locate places on the Earth’s surface….. Let’s start with the basics!

4 The Compass Rose These are called the Cardinal Points. W E S NEVER

5 The sun rises in the…. EAST And sets in the… WEST

6 Continents and Oceans Also called Eurasia Also called the Americas
Also called Oceania



9 How many countries can you name?
World Map How many countries can you name?



12 Major Cities Rio de Janeiro Paris Tokyo Sydney Bombay Shanghai
Cairo Mexico City New York Beijing London Calcutta Los Angeles Ottawa Rome Montreal Moscow Baghdad Kabul Jakarta





17 Where exactly is the Titanic?
The Titanic sunk in 1912…. 41° N, 49° W The wreckage wasn’t discovered until 1985… took over 70 years to locate the ship at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean….

18 What do those numbers mean?
41°N, 49°W 41°N North South The Atlantic Ocean is VERY big place to locate a wreckage……. West East

19 41°N, 49°W These are the coordinates of the Titanic Wreckage

20 Latitude The Equator is an imaginary line that divides the Earth into two halves, the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere. Parallel to the Equator are a series of lines that draw circles around the Earth. These are called Parallels and they measure Latitude. North South They allow us to locate places NORTH and SOUTH of the Equator.

21 North Pole The Equator is 0° latitude. There are 90° North of the Equator and 90° South of the Equator. 90°N is the North Pole. 90°S is the South Pole. South Pole

22 Look carefully and give the degree of latitude for letters A to J.

23 Longitude Meridians are imaginary lines that run from the North Pole to the South Pole. They measure Longitude. The Prime Meridian or Greenwich Meridian divides the Earth into two halves, the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. Prime Meridian WEST EAST Meridians help us locate places East and West of the Prime Meridian. They are in the shape of semi-circles.

24 0° longitude is the Prime Meridian or Greenwich.
There are 180° East and 180° West of the Prime Meridian. East West

25 Look carefully and give the degree
of longitude for letters A to J.

26 Pinpointing a Location
In order to pinpoint a location on Earth, we give its coordinates in degrees latitude and degrees longitude. Ex: 41°N, 49°W (wreckage of the Titanic) We always give the latitude (N or S) first, then the longitude (E or W).

27 Look carefully and give the coordinates of letter A to G
Look carefully and give the coordinates of letter A to G. Remember, give the N and S coordinate first, then E and W. E North A G B F D C South West East

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