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Center of Gravity Chapter 10.

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1 Center of Gravity Chapter 10

2 Center of Gravity (CG) The point located at the object’s avg. position of weight. Seems as though all the weight is concentrated around this point

3 Center of Gravity Uniform object: at the midpoint
Baseball at the center Irregularly shaped object Bat is near the heavier end Discuss hammer

4 Motion Projectile parabolic path of its center of gravity Hammer toss

5 Motion Projectile wobble around its center of gravity because cg is off center Example: Sun and stars as the system orbits, the cg is displaced

6 Motion Smooth Path straight line motion of its center of gravity pg. 137 rotation around its center of gravity Hammer slide across floor

7 Locating CG Uniform Object
Can be found by suspending an object by two or more points and looking at the lines of intersection Uniform Object CG is a balance point supporting that single point supports the entire object Can be located where no material exists - doughnut Hewitt

8 Toppling CG must be over the base in order to not tip over Examples
Leaning Tower of Pisa Chair demo Monkeys - tail allows a shift in the cg and increase stability CG must be over your feet for you to be stable

9 Toppling Demos Pick up the money Stand up! Up against the wall!

10 Stability Center of gravity seeks lowest point
Stable – if displaced, cg goes up Unstable - if displaced, cg goes down Neutral – if displaced, cg the same

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