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5th Grade News February 12, 2018 Mrs. Morgan & Mrs. Edwards 5th Grade Newsletter Upcoming Events.

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Presentation on theme: "5th Grade News February 12, 2018 Mrs. Morgan & Mrs. Edwards 5th Grade Newsletter Upcoming Events."— Presentation transcript:

1 5th Grade News February 12, 2018 Mrs. Morgan & Mrs. Edwards 5th Grade Newsletter Upcoming Events Feb Boosterthon Fun Run Feb. 14- Full Day for students. Conferences will be from 4-7 Feb. 15- Make up weather day Tests and Quizzes Social Studies-Unit 6, February 15 Word Study-February 14 We Are Learning About… Reading –Comparing and contrasting two stories Grammar and Writing- Verbs Perfect Tense Verbs, Opinion writing Math- Measurement and conversions Customary and Metric Social Studies-Cold War We are asking for donations to put in our Valentine Goody Bags. We are asking for a $3.00 donation, or individually wrapped candies or goodies. All donations are due Tuesday if possible. Although we will NOT have a Valentine party, we WILL exchange Valentine cards. Students may bring these in on Wednesday. Word Study Quiz February 14 Words with cred= cred means believe accreditation –granting approval or belief in a school credential –a document that proves a person is believable credible –believable; reliable credit –to believe that someone will do something creditor –a person who believes that he will be paid back the money that he loaned credulous –tending to believe to easily; easily convinced; easily focused creed- a set of beliefs or principles discredit –to refuse to believe; to reject as untrue incredible –not believable; improbable; unlikely incredulous –doubting; unwilling or unable to believe We are having a Box tops contest. The homeroom that brings in the most get a prize! 4H service projects-We are collecting pop tabs. Our next 4H date is February 15. Mighty Eight Field Trip-Please send in permission forms along $5. Dog tags can also be purchased for an additional $5, but it’s optional. All forms and money need to be turned in by February 14. With Cold and Flu season upon us, we are in need of tissues and Lysol/Clorox wipes. Thank you in advance for any donations that you send.

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