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Social Welfare Policymaking

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1 Social Welfare Policymaking
Chapter 17 1

2 Social Welfare Programs
Two main types: Entitlement programs: Government benefits that certain qualified individuals are entitled to by law, regardless of need. This includes Social Security and Medicare. Means-tested programs: Government programs only available to individuals below the poverty line. This includes TANF and Medicaid. 2

3 Social Insurance: Non Means Based
Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance Social Security- Not a pension program but a tax system Considered a regressive tax People making over 106,800 do not pay the tax on the amount they make after this figure Social Security has a problem. More people are retiring while fewer are working

4 Government Policies Progressive tax: people with higher incomes pay a greater percentage. Proportional tax: all people pay the same percentage of their income. Regressive tax: the poor pay a higher percentage of their income than the rich 4

5 Social Insurance- Means Tested Program
SSI- Supplementary Security Income Single and Couple- 1,011 Aid to families with Dependent Children Monetary benefits given to single women Average women on AFDC was on the program for less than a year, white, and had one child EITC (Earned Income Tax Credit) To those who qualify it provides an average of dollars credit on income taxes Single-$12,880 ($15,880 if married filing jointly) With One Child- $33,995 ($36,995 if married filing jointly) Food Stamps To those who qualify it is about 100 dollars a month in stamps for those whose average family income is less than about 1700

6 Health Care Medicare- Covers people who receive Social Security benefits Financed by about a 1.45 percent tax paid by employers and employees Medicaid- provides medical care to the poor including hospitalization, physicians services, prescription, and long term nursing care to all who are covered under SSI and ADFC Jointly financed by the states and the National Government

7 Income, Poverty, and Public Policy
Income: amount of funds collected between any two points in time. Wealth: amount of assets already owned. 7

8 Income, Poverty, and Public Policy
Poverty Line: what a family must spend for an “austere” standard of living. In 2012, a family of three had a poverty line of just over $19,000. Many people move in and out of poverty in a year’s time. There are high rates of poverty among unmarried women. 8

9 Income, Poverty, and Public Policy

10 Income, Poverty, and Public Policy
125% of Poverty Line for family of four is $28,800 Equals less than $20 per day, per family member From this amount all food, clothing, medical and entertainment costs must be paid Average rent in the U.S. is $804, when subtracting this amount, this family must survive on $13 per day, per person. 10

11 The Demographics of Poverty

12 Government Policies Government Expenditures.
Transfer payments: benefits given by the government directly to individuals Some transfer benefits are actual money. Other transfer benefits are “in kind” benefits where recipients get a benefit without receiving actual money. Some are entitlement programs, others are means- tested. 12

13 The Great Depression and the New Deal
The Great Depression led many citizens to want the government to help protect against economic downturns and causes of poverty beyond their control. The Social Security Act of was the first major step by the federal government to help protect people against absolute poverty. 13

14 The Great Society Johnson declared a “war on poverty.”
Medicare, school-aid programs and welfare were created. Other programs were designed to provide training and jobs, not just transfer payments. 14

15 Reagan and Changes to Welfare
Reagan played a lead role in getting attention on benefit programs. Many programs had benefits reduced, and people were removed from benefit rolls. Democrats worked to prevent cuts and protect the truly poor. 15

16 The Welfare Reform Act Temporary Aid to Needy Families replaced Aid to Families with Dependent Children. The new program put a 5 year limit on the amount of time a person could receive benefits. It also gave the states money in a block grant to run their own welfare programs. 16

17 Public Education In 2003 400 billion was spent on Public Education
48.7 percent from the States, 42.8 percent by Local Governments and 8.5 from National Government No Child Left Behind- Government takes a more direct role in education

18 Inequality in School Districts
States financed schools through Property taxes. Many people have a problem with this process because they believe it is unequal. Already ruled unconstitutional in a number of states. Fix? Voucher Plans and Charter School Debate

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