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9/11/14 Aim: What is corroboration and sourcing and how do historians use these tools to write history? Do Now: Answer in your notebook or separate sheet.

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Presentation on theme: "9/11/14 Aim: What is corroboration and sourcing and how do historians use these tools to write history? Do Now: Answer in your notebook or separate sheet."— Presentation transcript:

1 9/11/14 Aim: What is corroboration and sourcing and how do historians use these tools to write history? Do Now: Answer in your notebook or separate sheet of paper. If there was a war between the United States and Germany, why might a historian want to look at both sides of an event before they decide what happened? What do you think a German historian might say about who started the war? What do you think an American historian might say about who started the war?

2 Corroboration & Sourcing: Make Your Case!
Read Document 1 together Read Document 1 independently and identify any words or phrases that are confusing or unfamiliar

3 Vocabulary Compare: To look for differences and similarities between two things Corroboration: Evidence that confirms or supports a statement, theory or finding Argument: Exchanging opposite points of view; an attempt to persuade someone to your side of an issue Reliable: Something that you can depend on or that you know is true Convincing: Making someone believe that something is real or true

4 Independent Activity: “Make Your Case”
Read the directions for scenarios A and B. Then, complete the worksheet independently. Make sure to circle words that are not familiar!

5 Exit Ticket Why does Jamie’s account (Account C) help you build a stronger case than if you just had Max’s and Justin’s accounts?

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