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LBOS Geobridge: Bridging future geoscientists from Linn-Benton Community College to Oregon State University Deron Carter, Physical Sciences Department,

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Presentation on theme: "LBOS Geobridge: Bridging future geoscientists from Linn-Benton Community College to Oregon State University Deron Carter, Physical Sciences Department,"— Presentation transcript:

1 LBOS Geobridge: Bridging future geoscientists from Linn-Benton Community College to Oregon State University Deron Carter, Physical Sciences Department, Linn-Benton Community College, Albany, Oregon Dr. Shan de Silva, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon

2 Thank you. Susan Eriksson, external evaluator and project mentor
Dan Miggins, OSU Argon Geochronology Lab NSF Geopaths grant #

3 The Geoscience Pipeline.
Grad SCHOOL 2YC 4YCU JOB Students fall out here due to transfer shock, inadequate preparation for a STEM major

4 Transfer shock. The academic and social disorientation experienced by students following a transfer.


6 LBOS Geobridge Program
NSF IUSE: Geopaths grant 6 LBCC geoscience transfer students At-risk of dropping out of the pipeline GOALS Reduce transfer shock for students. Career exposure and building technical skills related to geoscience employment. Increase the self-efficacy of transfer students in the geosciences. Students receive $4000 stipend for full-time summer work, and $1000 for part-time fall work

7 Activities Summer collaborative research program
Summer field trips and classroom sessions Fall term meetings with local geoscience employers

8 Theory of Change Building cohort to combat transfer shock
Providing research opportunities to place-bound students Skill building to increase confidence and efficacy Increasing students' understanding of the variety of geoscience careers available.

9 Measuring Success: longitudinal tracking and pre/post interviews
Passing gateway courses: Intro to Field Geology, Mineralogy Persisting in upper-division geoscience courses, Conducting post-Geobridge undergraduate research at OSU, Improving self-efficacy in geoscience skills and geoscientific identity, Articulating specific geoscience career aspirations. Five students attended 2017 GSA in Seattle.

10 Results Increased confidence for success before Intro to Field Geology
Preparation to do field work Skills (strike and dip) Cohort to help each other All students passed with high grades/persisting in UD courses Summer lab work provided Lab skills Importance of patience in scientific process Set them up for future jobs 3/5 students employed in OSU labs

11 Students succeeding in goals
Students have higher expectations of themselves Students have visions of higher degrees One student reported, “academia has a place for me.”

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