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Holocaust Video/Webquest

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1 Holocaust Video/Webquest
Be sure to follow all directions on each slide carefully. All questions need to be answered on your worksheet in front of you. This will be handed in for a grade. INFORMATION FOR YOU TO READ IS IN WHITE FONT, DIRECTIONS YOU NEED TO FOLLOW ARE IN YELLOW.

2 2 Nazi Propaganda Just take a look at these images…Jews were depicted as monsters , thieves, etc all over Germany including…

3 The Poisonous Mushroom
3 The Poisonous Mushroom …in children’s story books! Pick 2 of the following stories to read and answer questions on: 1.The Poisonous Mushroom 2. How To Identify a Jew 3. How The Jews Came To Us 7. How the Jewish Traders Cheat 16. Are There Decent Jews? Click on the Mushroom to be connected to the website.

4 Night and Fog 4 Click on the video reel to watch Night and Fog
Background Info: This film was made in 1955, just 10 years after the end of WWII and the Holocaust. All of which you view is actual footage and real images from just 10 years earlier. The film is narrated in French but has English subtitles. Fast forward to 2:54 to start viewing video Stop viewing the video at 29:36

5 Holocaust Museum 5 Click on the image on the right to visit the website. Then click on any one of the following choices: Murder of the Disabled (“Euthanasia” Program) Resistance (Jewish and Non-Jewish Resistance) Rescue **You may chose to visit 2 or all 3 of these sites for extra credit if you have time in class or tonight for homework **

6 6 The End or Is It? Although the Holocaust is over…genocides are not. Below are a list of countries and groups of people who have been oppressed since the Holocaust has ended… In Bosnia 100,000 Bosniak civiliizans were killed Currently genocides are occurring in both the Sudan and in the Congo In Rwanda 500,000 Tutsi were killed in 1994

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