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Replace with Title of Report / Region Represented

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1 Replace with Title of Report / Region Represented
WHO - FAMILY OF INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATIONS NETWORK ANNUAL MEETING 2018 Report from the Regional Advisor – 26 October 2018 22-27 October 2018 Seoul, Rep. of Korea Regional Adviser Report Replace with Title of Report / Region Represented Replace text with the name and contact of the Regional Adviser and the name and contact of the presenter, if different

2 Key Achievements in the Region
WHO - FAMILY OF INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATIONS NETWORK ANNUAL MEETING 2018 Report from the Regional Advisor – 26 October 2018 22-27 October 2018 Seoul, Rep. of Korea Regional Adviser Report Key Achievements in the Region Replace text with any announcements of key advances or achievements in the Region since October 2015

3 Regional Activities Update
WHO - FAMILY OF INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATIONS NETWORK ANNUAL MEETING 2018 Report from the Regional Advisor – 26 October 2018 22-27 October 2018 Seoul, Rep. of Korea Regional Adviser Report Regional Activities Update Replace text with descriptions of ongoing activities in the Region

4 Report from the Regional Advisor – 26 October 2018
WHO - FAMILY OF INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATIONS NETWORK ANNUAL MEETING 2018 Report from the Regional Advisor – 26 October 2018 22-27 October 2018 Seoul, Rep. of Korea Regional Adviser Report Regional Priorities Replace text with descriptions of key classification-related priorities in the Region

5 Report from the Regional Advisor – 26 October 2018
WHO - FAMILY OF INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATIONS NETWORK ANNUAL MEETING 2018 Report from the Regional Advisor – 26 October 2018 22-27 October 2018 Seoul, Rep. of Korea Regional Adviser Report Call to Action Replace text with items where the WHO-FIC Network, individual Collaborating Centres, or the Committees and Reference Groups may be involved May also identify key initiatives from the Regions where the Network may be able to provide support

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