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Simple, Compound, Complex, Compound-Complex Review

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Presentation on theme: "Simple, Compound, Complex, Compound-Complex Review"— Presentation transcript:

1 Simple, Compound, Complex, Compound-Complex Review
Sentence Types Review Simple, Compound, Complex, Compound-Complex Review

2 Sentence #1 If you have a party, I would like to come.

3 Answer #1 Complex If you have a party, I would like to come.

4 Sentence #2 I will bring chips, and I will bring dip.

5 Answer #2 Compound I will bring chips, and I will bring dip.

6 Sentence #3 I really like to go to parties, especially yours.

7 Answer #3 Simple I really like to go to parties, especially yours.

8 Sentence #4 When I go to parties, I talk to my friends, but I also like to meet new people.

9 Answer #4 Compound-Complex
When I go to parties, I talk to my friends, but I also like to meet new people.

10 Sentence #5 Parties that are very loud are overwhelming to me.

11 Answer #5 Complex Parties that are very loud are overwhelming to me.

12 Sentence #6 Walking home from a party in the dark all alone is scary.

13 Answer #6 Simple Walking home from a party in the dark all alone is scary.

14 Sentence #7 Will you drive me home from the party if the party ends later than midnight?

15 Answer #7 Complex Will you drive me home from the party if the party ends later than midnight?

16 Sentence #8 If you cannot drive me home, my parents might pick me up, but they have plans for that evening.

17 Answer #8 Compund-Complex
If you cannot drive me home, my parents might pick me up, but they have plans for that evening.

18 Sentence #9 I suppose that I could call a taxi instead.

19 Answer #9 Complex I suppose that I could call a taxi instead.

20 Sentence #10 I can’t really afford to call a taxi, but I could split the cost with a friend.

21 Answer #10 Compound I can’t really afford to call a taxi, but I could split the cost with a friend.

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