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Assessment Activities

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1 Assessment Activities
SS2G2 The student will describe the cultural and geographic systems associated with the historical figures in SS2H1 and Georgia’s Creeks and Cherokees. b. Describe how place (physical and human characteristics) had an impact on the lives of each historic figure. c. Describe how each historic figure adapted to and was influenced by his/her environment. Limited or Minimum Progress toward achievement of standard (1) Student is not able to describe how place had an impact on and influenced the lives of the historical figures taught during this grading period. Progressing toward achievement of standard (2) Student inconsistently describes how place had an impact on and influenced the lives of the historical figures taught during this grading period. Consistently and independently achieves the standard (3) Student consistently and independently describes how place had an impact on and influenced the lives of the historical figures taught during this grading period. Assessment Activities Have students write a paragraph about how each historic figure was influenced by his/her environment. Have students create a brochure for each historic figure with pictures and captions to show how location had an impact on food, clothing, houses, transportation, and jobs. Add impact to the anchor chart for each historic figure. See Assessment Activities SS2H1a. Refer to the classroom map of Georgia to remind students about the physical characteristics of Georgia regions. This will help students describe how each historic figure was influenced by his/her environment. See Assessment Activities SS2G1a and SS2G1b. Instructional Notes: Students should know: the natural world and the people around us shape what we do. During the 1st grading period: how the decisions made by the Creek and Cherokee were connected to where they lived and how their lives changed after settlers came to GA. During the 2nd grading period: how the decisions made by James Oglethorpe, Tomochichi, Mary Musgrove, and Sequoyah were connected to where they lived. why it was a good idea for Oglethorpe to create a settlement at Yamacraw Bluff (now the city of Savannah). During the 3rd grading period: how the decisions made by Jackie Robinson and Martin Luther King, Jr. were connected to where they lived. During the 4th grading period: how the decisions made by Jimmy Carter were connected to where he lived. Instructional Websites: Assessment sheet for SS2H1a has websites listed for each historic figure. 1

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